Class and a lasting message

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Light filtered through the blinds as birds sung their morning song. Looking down, an adorable ball called Blake rested on my chest, her bow surprisingly not falling down. Poking it with interest, I was surprised to find something underneath. Gently taking the bow off, I was absolutely shocked to find out I was dating a Faunus!

"Hmm? Mm, good morning, Jack."

I smirked. "Morning, kitty."

A look of shock as Blake reached up to feel for her bow, only to see it in my hand. She frowned. "Jack..."

I shrugged. "I was curious as to how your bow stayed up. Turns out, kitty ears. Thing is, they make you look cuter."
I kissed her.
"And I love how cute you are."

Blake opened her mouth, shocked, then nuzzled her face into my chest. "Meow."

I smiled and held her close, then realized: classes.

"Fuck, classes!"

Blane bolted up. "When?!"


Blake nodded, then grabbed he uniform and bow. I grabbed mine, slipped into a bathroom, changed, and walked out to find Blake tying her bow. We briefly kissed, I put on my accesories, which included my Pilot helmet and jumpkit, as well as a data knife on my shoulder and a Smart Pistol Mk 6 on my chest.

Snagging Titanium's data core and a projector for her, we sprinted to Mr. Port's class. Sprinting through the door, we sat down and waited for the rest pf our team, who barged through the door barely on time. JNPR were one second late.

"Next time, be on time! Now..." I zoned out of his interesting tale, at least until Blake elbowed me.

"Young sir! Do you have what it takes to defeat this monster, weaponless?"

I snorted and stood up, laying my pistol and knife on the table, next to Blake. "A true Pilot is never weaponless."

Standing before a cage, Port swung his axe down on a lock, setting the boar free. Waiting paciently, I waited for the right time and double jumped, landig on its back.

"Hey, it's not a weapon but mobility enhancer!"

Port chuckled and watched as I grabbed the thing's head. Pulling as hard as I could, I simply couldn't break its neck.

Titanium! Titan-time!

Titan-time deploying.

The line between humanity and machine once again as I was given the strength to snap the neck. Suddenly, my eagle-sharp eyes noticed a kid rolling up a spit ball and aiming at Blake.

Wrong move, Caiden.

Grabbing a ball of paper, I chucked it, hitting him square in the face. Sitting down like nothing happened, Titan-time ended. First thing I noticed was the gossip.

"Was that his Semblance?"
"His Semblance is so cool!"
"It seems as if he had help."
"Yeah, by his Semblance!"
"Well, Semblances are known to sometimes activate in moments of stress, so it is possible."

I smirked and got up as soon as class ended. Noticing a fake smile on Ruby's face, I trailed her until she stopped to talk to Ozpin.

"I feel that you made a mistake, making me leader."


Suddenly, I spun Ruby around to face me, both my hands on her tiny shoulders. "Ruby. You are the leader. No excuses. As I soldier, I expect clear, thought out orders. You can NOT act childish on the battle field. If you do, I ignore your orders. And do you know what happens when soldiers disobey orders in the heat of battle?"

Ruby shook her tiny head. "No, what?"

"Chaos. And do you know what happens when chaos ensues on the battle field?"


"Death. Good men on both sides die. To their own guns. I hate to say this, but I've seen too many friendlies, friends and family, die because someone wasn't where they were expected to be. I don't want thatbto happen. But if I need to do that to tell you to stop being naïve, then I will. Do you understand?"

Ruby gave me a stone-cold look. "Yes sir."

I smirked. "There's still hope. Take care, kid."

Walking over to Weiss, I noticed she and Port were talking. Hearing both Ozpin and Port give motivational speeches, both students were put in place, Weiss becoming less snobby.

Titan. How do you predict the school year'll go with Ruby in command?

Interesting, to say the least. I simply can't predict the future with her. But, one thing's for sure.

The remnants of a flame log forgotten are being rekindled. One of hope. One of love. One of the Militia.

Boom. Done. How was that end? Oh, this isn't the end of the book. Hell no. Blake and Jack still have a ways to go, just saying.

Okay, I plan to change the plot a little, but other than factoring in a Titan and your comments, we'll make a wonderful story, together!

Yes, if you want a ship, tell me and I'll make it happen in the story. A certain part of the plot to change? Sure thing! Let's reshape Remnant, together!

A Pilot's Luck(RWBYxTitanfall cross)Where stories live. Discover now