The start of the Vytal Festival

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We were walking through Vale, Briggs and the other Pilots helping their Titans set up the festival. Blake managed to get me out of a hoodie for once and into a tee, but I still had my helmet clipped to my hip, just in case. Blake also had hers.

Okay, let me explain Briggs's predicament: they were out on patrol when their Warp generators malfunctioned and got stranded here on Remnant. They saw gunfire on the horizon and rushed into the forest, only to find me and Titanium get Laser Cored. So that's that.

Anyways, we came across a broken store and walking over, we picked up on a conversation between two officers. They mentioned the White Fang and Blake's bow twitched.

Titanium, what is Blake thinking?

Conversing with Daisy..... she's remembering parts of her past. She... she used to be part of the White Fang... before and after it went violent.

She'll try running. I'll stop her.

Suddenly, I grabbed the two girls' shoulders. "Guys, stop it. This'll explode soon and we will lose one of our own if you both don't bury this. I know you hate the White Fang because they have killed several people close to you. I het that. But listen to Blake. She's right. The White Fang are very missguided. But, they can be put in place."

Weiss glared at me. "How can you be so sure?!?"

I looked her in the eyes. "Because. One of our own used to be a part of the White Fang, before she saw the truth." My gaze shifted to a fidgeting Blake, who was trying to escape my grasp.

Everyone froze. They all looked at Blake, shocked. Ruby took a step forwards. "Blake. Is this true?"

Blake looked at me. "How-?"

I sighed. "Look, you can't hid things from your Titan. I didn't want to expose you like this, but it's the only way I could make sure you don't abandon us. Okay? I'm honestly sorry."

She began to cry and I hugged her, shhing. After a while, I let go of Blake and she looked at the team.

"Yes. I used to be part of the White Fang. I left when someone close to me changed... for the worse..." she glanced at me.

I gave her a empathetic gaze before we continued on, none of us wishing to pry info out of Blake about her past. We wandered around town, me grabbing a revolver system like the one on Weiss's sword and I hefted it, feeling the weight. Suddenly, the Ice Queen snatched it out of my hand, put it on a coveter belt alongside Dust rods with the Schnee logo, and the clerk automatically gave Weiss a discount on her purchase, being a heiress and all. She then took two bags of Dust out and handed me the bag, sticking her tongue out. I watched her walk away.

"Was that really necessary?"

Weiss stuck her tongue out at me again. "Totally."

Sassy girl...

We walked away and once we were back at Beacon, the girls looked at me.

"Why did you need that revolution system?"

I smirked as I noticed Titanium walking over in her "Caution" paint with the Scorch loadout equipped. "Oh, no reason, except making a Ronnin-style sword."

Blake smiled at me and I turned to give her a toothy grin and when I turned around, Ruby, Yang, and Weiss had somehow gotten a SWINGING CHAIR out and were watching Blake and I with unnerving intent.

Ruby raised her hand and swiped it down while saying, "aaaaaaaaaaaaand kiss!"

I face palmed and got the forge all set up. A Pilot had made this while we were away and it was ingenious. You put the metal you want melted in a crucible in the middle of the forge, close the thing as soon as a Scorch drops a gas grenade in, filling the entire thing with flammable gas, then the Scorch shoots a charge at a teeny tiny one-way valve, letting the fire in, but not out. Pretty smart, right?

Anyways, the metal was melted in a matter of seconds and it waited patiently as I crafted a styrofoam mold of a Ronnin blade and handle and decorative cross-guard. Pouring the molten metal in the mold, I watched as it cooled down to solid steel, with enough room for me to adjust certain things about it.

Picking it up, Weiss came over and gave me a very special tip. "You need to have a hole for the dust to be infused with your blade, dunce."

I glared at her. "You can't forge hollow channels, Weiss."

She backed off.

I grabbed a drill and carved the required hole into the blade, then noticed as the revolver system actually screws onto the blade. In response to that, I made the screw port and poured extra metal into it, quickly screwing on the revolver system. The metal hardened and now the revolver was permanently one with my blade.

Sanding down the spill over, I worked on the handle and cross guard, going for an eagle with an olive branch and arrows in each claw. Going for a USA sort of vibe, I turned the Eagle's head towards the olive branch, and for the decorative guard, it was a flower bush.

Grabbing a paint can and brush, I carefully painted my weapon and brought the whole thing to life. Once the paint dried, I stood up and holstered it on my back, just like Titanium. She was special and had her sword holstered on her back diagonally, hilt hovering under her right arm.

The team clapped and I turned around to find all of my friends on swinging chairs. I rolled my eyes and then walked over to the dorms, getting some much needed shut eye. As I slept(in Blake's bed, cuz why not?) I felt a tiny thing climb onto me. Half in my sleep, I wrapped my arms around it and I felt the thing shift so that it was mostly on me. When I woke up, I saw Blake had cuddled up with me and chose to sleep without her bow for a change. Looking further down, I noticed my hand on her butt, so I slid it up onto her waist, then fell back asleep.

When I woke up, it was to giggling. Mistaking it for the sounds of combat, my hand flew to my Wingman and the laughter stopped. That was when I realized that it was the girls simply laughing.

"Oh, sorry. In my sleep, mistook y'all for combat. Weird, I know, but you get used to jumping at the smallest sounds in the Militia."

I opened my eyes to see Ruby, Yang and Weiss looking at Blake and I.

"What? There are only four beds."

They all laughed, then went their separate ways. Blake woke up and we briefly kissed before going our own ways.

A Pilot's Luck(RWBYxTitanfall cross)Where stories live. Discover now