The Signal

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When I woke up, it was to Blake's sleeping form. Titanium stood up and peeked into the Bedroom to not find us.

"Pilot, where are you?"

"Out of Ether's view."

Titanium grumbled, then drew her 30mm chain gun. "I'm afraid of what I'll see. Did you have-"

"No, we didn't. If we'd done that, you'd probably find us either naked or in our underwear on the bed. And I don't think she'll be ready for that in a looong time."

"Well then, get ready. We have the 9 PM trip to Forever Fall with morning. I advise you getting changed while we move."

"We're already changed."


Titanium started forwards and Blake woke up, smiling at me. We shared a passionate kiss before she asked me a silly question.

"Do you have the jars?"

"Over nine thousand." I pointed towards Titanium's vault.

Blake booped my nose, then sat down in my lap.

"Transferring control to Pilot."

The screen winked on to reveal the forest Titanium and I first arrived here. Meeting up with Glynda, Blake and I got out and Titanium wandered pff to figure out the source of that signal.

With Blake by my side, we made several dozen jars of sap, me sampling a bit.

"Woo boy! His stuff's sweeter than any sap I gathered back on Harmony!"

Blake smiled at me, but suddenly, gunfire ripped through the air, telling us that something was very, very wrong.

"Pilot! I require your assistance!"

"Hang on, Titanium! I'm coming!"

I started to bolt towards Titanium's outline, flashing past dozens of fellow students below as I hopped from tree-to-tree. Looking behind me, I notice Blake was keeping pace, surprisingly. Lookig ahead, my heart sank.

Titanium was in combat with IMC Titans.


She caught me, then raised her Vortex Shield, blocking a barrage of fire. "Pilot. I count twenty hostile Titans. What is your directive?"

"Protocol Four."


Suddenly, one of the Titans exploded as I saw Blake flying away, Gambol Shroud in her hand. The Titans turned to shoot at her, giving Titanium the precious seconds she needed to switch to her Tone loadout.

Blasting several Titans three times each, we launched all of our rockets, destroying them. Spinning around, we snatched a Ronnin's blade and wrestled control over it. Impaling the Ronnin with its own blade, we turned around to be face with a Laser Core to the face, knocking us down. The memory of when Lastimosa pulled me away from the wreckage of that Atlas played in my head.

A Legion placed its foot on our frame, only to be blasted off by... a Laser Core?

Why are they attacking their own kind?

Suddenly, a Titan ripped open our canopy and gently pulled me out. I've almost been executed by a Monarch, so I know what it feels like to get ripped out of a Titan. This was much more kinder and gentle.

"Hang in there, trooper! The good guys are here."

I looked up to see Commander Briggs in her Titan. I flashed her a small thumbs up. "Thank's for the assist, commander. I'll be okay. That Laser Core only jostled us and failed to penetrate Titanium's shields."

Briggs set me down and Blake limped over, clutching her left arm. Before she could get close to me, she began to fall down, but I ran over and caught her.

"Blake, can you hear me?"

She blinked up at me. "Jack? That you? Everything's so hazy..."

I laid her down. "Shh... we'll get you help, don't worry. Just lay down and stay awake."

Briggs came out with some O- blood bags and we tended to her wounds on the spot. Glynda came rushing over and froze at the sight of more Titans and scorched earth.

"Auburn! What happened here? Who are these people?!?"

I glanced at Briggs, then stood up when two Pilots grabbed the IV bags. Briggs and I stood up and faced Glynda.

"Glynda, this is Commander Briggs, leader of the SRS, a Militia division. Briggs, this is Glynda Goodwitch of Beacon Academy. And to answer your first question, Glynda, Titanium and I got into a battle with the IMC. I would be dead if it wasn't for the timely arrival of the Militia."

Glynda took my answer, then glanced at Blake. "We were just about to pack up. Come with us, Briggs." She spun around and walked away.

I looked at Briggs. "I think she likes you."

My CO simply rolled her eyes. "I see you kept your sarcasm."

We walked back to our Titans and that was when I noticed a Titan holding something. Walking over, I saw it was a Pilot.

"I failed you, Pilot."

I put a hand on his chassis. "Titan. Look. Don't blame yourself. Instead, honor your Pilot's legacy and forge a new bond with a green Pilot and teach them all your Pilot taught you. That's what my Titan Titanium did."

The Vanguard looked at me. "But where can I find a new Pilot?"

I looked at Blake. "Right there. She knows nothing about how to work a Titan. But she's got the will." I patted the Titan, Delta-Yankee-25253, and started to walk away. "You two'd be great together, especially if you run Ronnin."

The Titan saluted me, then carried its Pilot over to Briggs and gave her my advise. I climbed into Titanium with Blake in my arms and attached her emergency blood supply to the girl I love. As a pack of wolves, we rushed to Beacon Academy, me pausing to pick up the jars Blake and I made from RWBY, then we continued on, rushing Blake and our other wounded to the medical facilities at the pristine school.

Laying her down, the medics swiftly patched up Blake, then hurried onto more serious cases. During the fight, Blake got singed by a Laser Core and grazed by exploding shrapnel.

Nothing a little Aloe Vera can't fix, right?

Titanium, they did not use Aloe Vera for a bullet hole.

Yes they did... in RvB.

Shut up.

Anyways, Blake quickly regained consciousness and Briggs came over with shocking news.

"Blake Belladonna. Due to your skill and courage on the battle field, we are proud to call you one of the SRS. Will you accept?"

Blake looked at me, then at Briggs. She smiled and nodded. "Yes."

Briggs smiled, then placed a jumpkit and helmet next to Blake's bed. My girlfriend looked at me and smirked. "You'll teach me how to put this on, right?"

I nodded, then quickly kissed her on the head. "Of course. Night, Blake."

I walked away, happy to hear that Blake was now a Pilot.

She is definitely Pilot-worthy. Ruby'd make a nice Pilot, too. Maybe not Yang, and possibly Weiss. HOLY FUCK, WEISS CAN MAKE A TITAN JUMP WITH HER GLYPHS. HOLY FUCK, SHE'D BE A GREAT PILOT, JUST BECAUSE OF THAT!!!!

Shaking myself out of my trance, I watched as the few Titans on Remnant patrolled Beacon, keeping the Grimm at bay. Tonight, I slept in the dorm in Blake's bed, and just sayin, but her bed has GOT to be a Purple, given how great it was.

"Goodnight, Blake."

A Pilot's Luck(RWBYxTitanfall cross)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat