First Round and start of a field trip

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"Blake, is your Titan ready?"

Blake gave me the Pilot's thumb up. I gave her one as well and watched as our teammates got pinned under the fire from a Legion and Northstar.

"Team RWBY, Titanfall is ready."

Ruby shouted at the air. "Deploy!"

I gave Blake a nod, then jumped into Titanium. We were dropped into battle, a deployment shield covering us. Ruby, Yang, and Weiss sighed in relief.

"Titanium. Legion."

"Understood, Pilot. Vortex Shield?"

I smirked. "Fuck yeah."

The chaingun was replaced with a Legion's minigun. Standing up, we hefted our weapon while beside us Blake and Rosey (her Titan) drew their Ronnin blade.

"On second thought, Ronnin."
Titanium chuckled. "Sure thing, Pilot."

Our weapons changed and I grabbed the hilt of our sword. Our foes paused.

Phase Dashing forwards, we appeared right before the Legion. Drawing our blade and swinging up, we carved a massive gash into their hull, Dooming them. Ripping the Pilot out, we threw them aside while Titanium sweeped the Legion's legs and impaled it on our sword. Next to us, Blake chopped up the Northstar's rifle, grabbed its leg, preventing it from using Flight Core, then delt a crippling blow, narrowly missing the Pilot.

We tossed the broken frames aside, AIs still active, and faced the opposing team. "Go get 'em, girls."

Ruby, Yang and Weiss charged the remains of the team we were paired against, ducking into cover to avoid gunfire, just like Briggs and I taught them. Ruby was leading the charge by a healthy distance and when she reached our foes, whoo boy. They did not know what hit them.

Utilizing the Phase Unit I had been given, Ruby managed to sneak up on our foes. Tapping their shoulders, Ruby got them to turn around before she slashed them with her scythe.

"And the win goes to... Team RWBY!"

We looked around, the crowd cheering. Suddenly, the field lowered, letting us out. As we walked, Ruby rodeoed me.

"Nice use of that phase unit, Ruby. You'd be a nice Pilot, possibly a modified Ronnin."

Ruby's head poked into view, giving me a confused look. "Modified?"

"Yeah. Instead of a sword and shotgun, it'd be an oversized Crescent Rose."

Ruby giggled. "That'd be great!"

I smiled, then climbed into an awaiting Bullhead. Flying back down to Beacon Academy, we walked into the auditorium, with kids from all schools pilling in. Titanium and Rosey stood off to the side as Ozpin gave a speech, explaining why we were named after colors. At least, everyone from Remnant, that is.

After that was done, Ozpin informed us about having to take on missions for around a week. RWBY looked at each other, then made their way to a mission located in the southwest quadrant. When they tried to sign up, it flashed red and remained up.

"Let me try."

They looked at me like I was insane. Typing in RWBYRT, the thing flashed green.

"Called it. The Grimm pop was prob too dense for us first years, but given how Titanium'll be with us, Ozpin must think everything's OK."

Ozpin came out of shadow. "Actually, such a long team name confused the system, but yes, the Grimm population is usually too dense, but given how you have a Pilot with you, everything should be fine. Good luck!"

I saluted Ozpin and turned around, but he grabbed my shoulder. "You lead this mission, okay?"

I froze up. "Yessir." Bad memories came to mind.

He let me go and I got into Captain mode, telling my team to double time it. Blake, being a Pilot, knew what I was talking about, so she translated for me.

"He means hurry up."

Ruby nodded, like she was having a revelation. "Oooh."

I looked at them. "Move it!" I waved them along.

We got onto the Bullhead without hassle and then we noticed: Ooblek was our Huntsman.

You have got to be kidding me. UGH. Guess I gotta pick up where Ooblek leaves off.

"Sir! Reporting for duty, sir!"

Ooblek nodded, then looked at our bags. "You won't be needing your bags, girls. And Pilot."

I grabbed their bags and stuffed them in Titanium's vault. Ooblek gave me a questioning glance and I looked at him.

"I had them pack things like ammo, rolls, food, ext. They gotta learn how to be soldiers, else no one'll survive the inevitable IMC invasion. The loss of 20 Pilots won't sit well with them, especially on a Titan-less world."

Ooblek nodded. "Very wise. I t-"

"Drop that thought."

Ooblek gave me a strange look, and did as I wished. We all got on the ship and everything was quiet until I heard a tiny "ruf" come from the vault.

"Titanium? What was that?"



"Ruby and Yang's family dog. Weiss is infatuated with him."

I visor palmed. "Did Weiss really-?"

"No. Ruby brought her dog."

"Ruby... brought... a dog... to a combat mission..."


I sighed. Motherfucker.

Ruby has-

Don't you DARE make a lewd joke or I am pulling all your batteries!

That shut her up really good.

Bow Chika-



Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

Titanium rolled her eyes, then leaned out into the icy blast, frost immediately building on our viewport.

"LZ spotted. Everyone: Get ready!"

We all prepped our weapons and got ready to jump.

"Three, two, one, deploy!"

We leapt out.

A Pilot's Luck(RWBYxTitanfall cross)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora