chapter 1

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The grey steel walls glared at me, mocking me, taunting me that we were both prisoners.

I looked to the floor, but all I saw there was contempt as well.

I pushed away my long dirty blonde hair that covered my eyes.

The door opened, the nurse,Max walked in.

"Kale, let's go, it's time. "

I looked up and nodded.

His eyes were dull and emotionless, as usual, probably bored again.

He brushed his hands on his grey uniform, which consisted of a free grey shirt, with a v neck line and a pair of baggy grey trousers.

I kept my head down as we walked through the hallways, the flicking of the fluroscent bulb above me, casting the regular eerie look on the place.

He stopped, causing me to barrel into him.

He turned back and glared at me.
His hand connected with my face.

His eyes seemed to light up at my yelp of pain.

He walked away, without any other words.

My grey sandals shuffled as I moved.

We finally got to the entrance, where my one plaid dress lay, with my little sized shoes.
I doubt they would fit me now.

I was handed my items, when I saw my aunt Layla at the other side.

She smiled and waved.
I didn't.

I didn't know how to smile anymore, I didn't know how to express joy.

"Oh my God, Mitchie"
She said, hugging me.

I felt something wet on my neck.

Was she crying? Why would she cry when she wasn't in pain? I didn't see any blood on her earlier.
Maybe I didn't check well.

I pushed her back and inspected her, my eyes roamed her up and down.

She wiped away at her stained cheek.

"Are you ok? "
I asked.

"I'm fine hon, just emotional that's all. "

I nodded, even though I did not understand what she said.

She led me out, and I followed.

The sunlight hit my face, and at first it hurt, striking my eyes directly and causing me to squint.

I blinked a few times, to get used to the bright light, then I opened my eyes and I gasped, the bright light in the sky warmed my face, causing sweet sensations to run through me.

I saw what I think was a tree........ No, trees beautiful green, brown and yellow leaved structures, with long sticks, but thicker, sticking into the earth.

"It's beautiful "
I said, my mouth hanging open.

She looked at me, unsure.
Then she smiled.

"So are you hon."

I felt an unusual sensation in my chest. I felt awkward, so I looked away.

She stopped at a weird looking red machine.
I think they called it

I looked warily at it.

"Get in"
She said.

I gulped, then she opened the doors for me.

"Thanks." I said quietly.

She chattered non stop, in the car about how I would adore my cousins and how they were excited to meet me.

I just smiled at her, not really wanting to engage in conversation.

I placed my head on the glass of the window, as I watched the places fly by.

I released a breath, as I saw the place drift, further behind me.

"We have one stop to make"
She said.

The vehicle stopped moving, and I felt fear, thinking she was going to take me back.

"Come out"
She said.

"I'm sorry, please don't take me back, I'll be more silent, I won't talk, I won't even touch you"
I pleaded.

Her face looked horrified, before she started to cry and again I wondered if she was in any physical pain.

"It's ok honey, I just wanna get you some ice cream"
She said, reassuring me.

"Ice cream"
I rolled the words on my tounge.

It felt familiar, like something I had known before, something I might've even liked.

"Aunt lay, I would love to have this ice cream thing"
I said, causing her to smile.
It seemed like my words removed her pain, so I would speak more if I can remove pain, she seems to be in a lot.

"This tastes amazing"
I said, as I stuffed my face with the cold, sweet tasting mix.

"Thank you so much aunt lay, I will forever be grateful to you, for this great thing you have given me."
I said, in between bites.

She just smiled at me, sadly.

I finished my sweet meal and drove back with my aunt, to the place she called home.

We arrived, at a building that did not seem as dark and grey as the one I had left.

It was big, with some yellow and I think a color they call 'peach'.

"Your home is colorful"
I said, gazing at it.

Down the street, there were other, similar, large houses, all beautiful and colorful.

It hurt my eyes, because I was used to the dull colors, like grey.

How was I sure I wouldn't get blind, with the awfully bright light in the sky and all these awfully bright colors.

"Honey, let's go"
She said.
I forgot about my fear of colors, as I made my way out of the car.

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