chapter 10

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Like a heavy blanket, draped over me, blinding me and numbing out my senses.

I willed my eyes to open, they didn't.
I willed my ears to listen, they didn't.

I gave in to the suffocating silence and let myself be dragged under.

I tried to open my eyes again, after a while and slowly, they came open.

I tried to look around but everything came out in muddled, blurry shapes.

Panic started to fill me, I couldn't see.
Nothing was clear.

I made an umph umph sound, trying to speak but something was clogging up my mouth.

"Shhh shh"
An external voice soothed from beyond my line of vision.

The thing clogging my mouth was removed and I took in deep breaths.

"I- I can't see"
"Where am I"
I mumbled out, scared.

The voice said again.

"You're in the hospital, you had a little accident but you'll be fine"

The events came rushing to me, with full force.

"Tessa Tessa, is she ok? I couldn't find her."
I said, embarrassed that I might have left her there.

"Your whole family is fine, they're waiting outside for you, I'll call them in now."

I heard a door open and close, then open again.

I heard aunt Layla's voice first.

"Oh my poor baby"
She screeched as soon as she entered the room.
I heard a few more shuffling of feet as more people entered.

"Aunt Layla, I can't see"
I chocked out.

I heard her sharp intake of breath, before the man from before started talking.

"It's a temporary side effect, by tomorrow she'll be able to see as bright as day."
He said quickly and I could only imagine the threatening look aunt Layla was giving him.

"Where's Tessa? "
I asked, I heard shuffling before a warm hand took mine.

"Are you ok?"
I asked wondering what happened to her.

"Yeah, I'm fine, you'll be too"
She soothed.

"I know"
I said, not wanting to seem weak in front of them.

The kids and aunt Layla stayed a while but then they to leave because they had school the next day, so I was left alone, blind and afraid.
Not that anybody saw.
Over the years, I had learned to hide my emotions very well and right now it was coming back to bite me in the butt.

I tried to think about everything except how I got injured, I thought about bunnies, I thought about aunt Layla but I didn't want to think about the dead girl.
Her glassy dead eyes that were focused on everything and yet could see nothing.
Her pale skin that was dark with some bruises.
Her broken neck, hanging irregularly at an angle.

No I didn't need to think about that.

I tried to stay awake, not wanting to fall asleep with partially blind eyes but just like when they wanted to put me in isolation, I'd been drugged already..

I opened my eyes once more, only to see less blurry shapes but blurry none the less.

The door opened and closed gently.
I frowned, I thought aunt Layla had left.

My muddled brain told me something wasn't right but the drugs were kicking in and I couldn't stay awake for the life of me.

I tried to say auntie but it came out like.

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