Chapter 13

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I sipped my drink as my eyes scanned the room for -even though I didn't want to admit it - Mitchell.
We decided to split ourselves. Jerry, Mitchie,kira  and Tessa came in Tessa's car. Me, Shelly and link came in my car, much to link's displeasure. He didn't like Shelly that much.

My eyes glazed over the room once more, almost narrowly missing her blonde hair. There was really nothing special about her, her drab green eyes, dirty blonde hair that blended perfectly with her skin.
The slight dimple beside her upper lip, when she smiles. Which I've only ever seen once. The slight crease that had become permanent, in her forehead. The way she wrinkled her nose when somebody said something she didn't like. The way she cocked her head to the side when she was confused, how big her green eyes got when she heard something she couldn't believe.

"Nicky man. It's been a while. "
A voice said from behind me. I turned around to meet a black haired black guy. James.

My lips involuntarily curved up into a smile after my initial shock.
"Yo Jaime!"
I gave him my hand and did a fast bro hug.

"Waddup son. "

"What are you doing here? "
I questioned.

He said, his eyes glazing over.

"Sarah? "
I asked, puzzled.
One more look at him got me realizing what he meant.

"Oh shit. You and Sarah? "

He nodded.

"Damn! I'm sorry man "
I said, for the first time feeling actual remorse for the death of my classmate.

He nodded and we spent a few moments in silence. I looked back, to see Mitchie leaving the house through the back door. Knowing her, she was probably accidentally or intentionally getting herself in trouble.
I intend on making a move to follow her but James interrupts me.

"She was uh.... She was a really nice girl. "
He says and I know I have no choice but to stay.

It's been thirty minutes, thirty minutes since Mitchell went out, thirty minutes  since I have been listening to James' whining about Sarah. At first I listened but then ten minutes passed without her returning, twenty I was half pretending to give a shit about James. Thirty I was antsy and I couldn't care less, so I lept off the wall and made a b line for the back door. I walked a little and saw nothing until I saw a little girl resting against the trunk of a big tree.

She had soft yellow curls and she was apparently asleep.
I bent down to her level and shook her in an attempt to wake her up.

She regarded me with bleary eyes.
"Hi, I'm Nickolas. I'm looking for the blond girl that came out here some minutes ago?"

She looked confused then she said "Sarah's angel? "

"Sarah's angel? "

"The nice lady that talked to my sister"

"Mitchie? "

"I'm not sure, I didn't ask her name."

"She has big green eyes and she doesn't smile. "

"Yes. Sarah's angel "- "I don't really know, I was asleep as you met me. "

I cursed under my breath but apparently, the child heard me because she narrowed her eyes disapprovingly.

If she's not here, then.......
I went back into the house to search for her, going into private and public rooms, even going as far as searching the bathrooms. When I couldn't find her, I went back to where she was last seen and I realized the only other place I hadn't checked was the forest behind the house. I walked a bit and I was starting to feel a bid discouraged about my futile search, when I tried calling Mitchie's phone for the sixteenth time and I heard the ringing tone, albeit faintly. I kept calling and followed the sound to where I found the phone. I searched the area but still couldn't find Mitchell. I noticed this particular part of the forest was quieter than every where else and i wondered why. I was still calling put Mitchie's name, when my feet landed into a puddle. I raised my boot clad feet up and heavy red liquid dripped off the soles.
"Is that... "
I jumped back, as realization hit me, blood was in a huge puddle where I found Mitchie's phone. Dread clawed at my insides.
I yelled with more urgency than before
"Answer me dammit. "

I ran a hand through my hair, thinking of any possible solutions while still looking around the forest.

There was a slight rustle in the trees above, causing me to look up. My heart fell, probably as far as the deepest darkest pits of hell.

I yelled. The first thing I saw was the blonde hair tangled up in the trees. When I looked more closely, I saw the light green eyes and Tan skin.

"Oh God."
After my initial shock and then relief that it wasn't her passed, I realized I was standing underneath a body. I was standing in a murder scene.

I looked on with hooded eyes as the police wrapped the yellow 'No trespassing' sign around the area, it's been two hours since I found the body, one since they got here and 30 minutes since I've been questioned.

Mitchie's phone burned like hot coal in my pocket, I still hadn't found her but I was too numb to be bothered. They said her name was Clare, she was walking her dog and as of now, she was dead.
I looked to the side to see link wrapped around Kira, her back to his chest, his head in the nook of her neck.
I least this tragedy did good for them.

I went home, feeling as detached as ever, Mitchie's blood stained phone resting on my side table. I stared at it as though it held all the secrets in the world. I was probably an obstructor to justice right now but I needed to find out why. Why her phone was there and why she disappeared.

I was beginning to fall asleep when I jolted out of bed as I realized, I still hadn't found her. I quickly dialed Tessa's number, after calling seven times, she finally picked, her voice sounding groggy.
"What. "

"Where's  Mitchie!"
I snapped impatiently

"You called me at.... Two in the morning to ask where my sleeping cousin is? "
She sounded baffled.

"Where. Is. She."

"She's sleeping you dimwit now let me!" she yelled into the phone before hanging up.

"She didn't tell me anything. "
I growled as I threw my phone against the wall, wincing as I realized it was probably broken. I closed my eyes and tried to slip into a peaceful sleep, but my rest was anything but peaceful.i kept tossing and turning, hating that girl for making me worry.

Hi guys. Sorry, really short chapter.
I know I haven't updated in a while and I'm sincerely sorry. Thanks for reading. ✌

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