chapter 6

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I looked at the extended hand in front of me and I didn't know what to do with it.

I looked to Tessa for help but she was too busy doing all she she could to ignore me.

The second boy piped up
"I'm Jerry but everybody calls me jer"

He had curly brown hair, with black eyes and an odd sound to his voice.

He held out his hand too and when I didn't respond, he reached for mine and held it in his.

"This is called a handshake"
He said, amused.

Hand shake?.
I liked it, it was nothing special but his hand was warm and I liked the feeling.

"Why do you talk like that? "
I asked.

He laughed.
"It's called a British accent love"

"Oh? I like it, I don't understand it but I like it"
I said.

He laughed.
"Tessa I like your cousin."
He said to Tessa, making her smile a bit.
Her previous look gone.
He finally released my hand then I looked to the Nickolas but he wasn't paying attention to me anymore, he was looking at the brown haired girl from the shop earlier as she was buying a drink.

Maybe he also wanted underwear?.

"I'm Kira and this is Diana"
One of the girls, with  purple and black hair said, referring to the other girl, with perfectly straight blonde hair.

"I like your hair"
I said to the purple hai- Kira, I said to Kira.

"Oh thanks, this is my colour for the month.
I was thinking of going stark white next time."

I nodded and conversation was carried easily from there, everybody started talking to each other and I was soon forgotten until I looked up and met Nickolas' brown eyes.

He stared at me coldly and his smiling face was gone.

I looked at him, confused.

I touched the back of my head and ran my hand across my neck, mimicking his former movements.

He just turned his face, pretending not to have seen me.
I shrugged it off, these people were weird anyways, back at the institution, Mr Grey was weird but he was like my best friend /crazy uncle.

"Oh shit..... Mom's gonna kill me, I was meant to bring you home early"
Tessa said, alerting everybody of the time.
They all started remembering the one thing or the other they were supposed to do and soon we were all leaving.

"I'll see you around, yeah? "
Jerry said, extending his hand for what I now know to be a hand shake.

I gave him my hand, feeling confident that I knew what a handshake was.
He placed a chaste kiss on it
I gasped at the fuzzy feeling I got from it.

He smiled, showing a dimple.
"I have a feeling things are going to be fun, with you around."
He said.

The purple and black haired girl pulled him away from me, by his ear.

"Forgive my brother, he just can't help but be a play boy." -she paused for a moment -
"I almost think it's in his genes"

"Oh and it was nice meeting you "
She added while grinning and dragging away her struggling brother.

"Bye Tessa's cousin"
The blonde haired girl said as she walked away.

"Let's go? "
Tessa asked.

I nodded and we logged all my clothes out of the mall.

I saw a figure in a dirty dark blue hoodie walk towards us.
Tessa looked around, coolly for a minute before telling me she had something to take care of and she'd be back in a bit.

She's mental but she's mine. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt