chapter 2

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I came out of the car,my shoeless feet relishing the hot ground beneath me.

A voice yelled, before a form came bounding towards me, pushing me back.

I blinked, startled.

I had never been hugged like this before.

I didn't put my own arms around her, but that didn't stop her excitement.

She said again, after she pulled away, with an extra large grin on her face.

I say, awkwardly.

"You don't remember me, do you? "
She said, her smile faltering a bit.

I looked to aunt lay, she had a smile on her face.

"Tessa "
I said, not wanting to disappoint.

I don't know how it is possible, but her already wide grin widens.

"I knew you couldn't forget, come on let's go in, I'll show you your room."

I looked to aunt lay, for help but she just smiled and let her drag me into the house.

We entered into a large living room, with bright yellow walls.

There was something TV suspended on the wall, and the walls around it were bombarded with pictures of their whole family.

I stared on in awe, as I triped over a black and white rug in the center of the room.

I'd never seen so much color before.

"This is your room"
She said excitedly as we stoped in front of a door.

It opened, to reveal a room, with cream walls, and a huge bed in the middle.

I had a bedside table and an inbuilt wardrobe, with a door that led to a bathroom.

"I get my own bathroom"
I asked with wide eyes.

She smiled and noded.

"I'll leave you to settle in, you can come down when it's dinner time"
She said, walking away and leaving me alone.

I sighed as I collapsed on the bed.
I was still reeling from the events of today.

I couldn't believe I'd been released.
I thought I was going to spend the rest of my days in that place, alone.

I shrug away the feeling, I was free I'd never need to go back there again.

I opened my eyes slightly, when the hushed whispers got too loud.

"But why do I have to go, you can go first"
A whiny voice said.

"Don't be a scaredy cat"
Another voice said

I heard a noise, then footsteps that were trying to be quiet, but ended up being extra loud.

"Jason don't"
Another voice said.

I couldn't take it anymore, I shot up, meeting three frightened faces.

"What are you doing here"
I said, causing them to shriek and scream.
Before I could demand anything, they scrambled away from the room.

I got up, deciding not to bother sleeping anymore.

I walked down the stairs, hearing giggles and reprimanding voices.

"Aunt Layla?."
I said when I got down.

"Oh hi honey "
She said, wiping her floured hand on her flushed forehead.

She's mental but she's mine. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin