chapter 14

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I raced through the halls, partly because I was late and partly because I wanted to see, if mitchie was truly there.

I skidded to a stop, in front of the class, opening the door slightly, my eyes found mitchie's. She was looking away from Jerry and blushing like a fool.
I frowned.

After getting detention from Mr Lawrence, I slipped into his class, without him realizing I wasn't actually supposed to be there.

I took the only free seat, at the back of the class, to my utter disappointment, far away from mitchie and Jerry.

I was itching with curiosity as I could see her constantly leaning over to him and returning to her seat with pink ears and stained cheeks. I fingered my pen, constantly twirling it in my hand.
I was never as relieved to hear the loud clang of the bell as I was today. I waited until she packed all her things, then I grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the class room. In my annoyance, I only registered the small "oomph" sound she made as I pulled her through the throngs of people.

When the janitors closet was firmly locked, I turned my hopefully intimidating gaze on her, the smell of disinfectant filling our noses.
She looked confused and then squirmish under my gaze.

"Where were you!"

She flinched and looked away from me .

"I-i don't know what you mean. "

I banged my fist on the wall beside her head.
" Answer me dammit! Do you know how worried I was, finding a dead body that looks creepily like you. "

"I'm sorry? "
She asked, tilting her head.

I resisted the urge to yell again and instead asked "And what's going on with you and Jerry. You've been blushing all morning. "

She turned even redder and her hands quickly touched her lips.

"I was not"
She defended, like a child.

"Why do you keep touching your lips."
I asked suspiciously. As if that was even possible, she turned redder, to the tips of her ears.

She quickly said.

"What happened yesterday! I know you were there. "

At this, I knew I had her. She settled onto a bucket with a sigh.

"I went out for some fresh air and then I saw the dead woman, I was scared, so I tried to run and I hit my head on a tree. Jerry found me and then he took me to his home and and then when I woke up, I told him what happened and then I ate a-and then he-......"

She stopped abruptly and she was blushing Again.

"And then he did what! "
I yelled, causing her to jerk up from her bucket.

"He.... He um,he was wiping some of the hair from face and I guess he was still a bit hungry, cause then he um tasted my lips. "

I frowned... Tasted her lips? What does that even- oh!.

I punched the wall as the realization clicked in.

"And you let him!"

"There was really nothing I could do, he apologized and he tasted nice too. "
She said, with an eager smile.

"Tasted nice? Bloody hell! Let's see if he tasted as nice as this "
I proclaimed, before grabbing her face and locking my lips with hers. At first, I poured out my anger into the kiss, then my worry and frustration. Then I just took it slow, long, passionate. Telling her the things I'd never say to her face, the things I'd never admit to myself. I kissed her like I needed her life force to survive. In a way....maybe.

She's mental but she's mine. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ