Chapter 12

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"Good morning Mrs Jones"
Tessa greeted happily as we walked into the house.

The older woman smiled as she extended her arms for a hug.

"It's been forever darling. "
She said in her accent that sounded a lot like Jerry's.
I stood, gaping at her like a fish.

"And who's this? "
She addressed Tessa while looking at me.

"Um this is my cousin, Mitchie."
Tessa answered. A smile broke out on her face.
"You're Mitchie kale?"

I nodded. She dragged me in for a second hug.

"It's lovely to meet you. I'm Jerry and Kira's mom... Vanessa. "

"Nice to meet you too ma'am. "
I responded as nicely as I could as she was squeezing the life out of me.

"Well Jerry's not home but kira's sleeping upstairs. "
She informed, still smiling.

I frowned, why would she think I was coming to see Jerry? I shrug, Probably because I'm with Tessa.

"We'll wake her up Mrs k."
Tessa said with a sly grin, causing the woman to laugh.

Tess took the stairs two at a time, rushing into the room and I bet she wished she didn't because when we opened the door, we saw an almost naked Kira with link almost totally ontop of her, feasting on her face.

Tessa screeched as quietly as she could, without alerting her mom.
A startled Tessa and link fell off the bed, with a loud thud. I stood watching, with my mouth open.

"Is everything okay honey? "
Came Mrs k's voice from downstairs.

"Um yeah mom we're fine. Tessa tripped is all."
An embarrassed Kira shouted from the floor.

"Be good. "
Came the reply.

"Start talking. "
Tessa barked as she plopped down on the bed, crossing over the two almost naked people on the floor.

"He was helping me do homework? "
She said sheepishly.

"You. Window. Now. "
Tessa pointed to link.

"Bye Kira, Mitchie"
He mumbled as he strapped on his belt and got ready to jump out the window.

"What was that"
Tess said, furiously shaking her arms to emphasize her point.


"And you didn't even lock your door you big idiot. "

"Tess I just "

"And.... And you didn't tell me. I'm supposed to be your best friend but you didn't tell me. "

"Tess I'm so-....."

"What about Jerry. Oh my God does Jerry know. Link is so dead. "
She put her head in her hands, after her ranting.

"Tessa! "
Kira yelled before she could start babbling again.

"I think I might be in love with him. "
She said shyly and I suddenly felt uncomfortable in the room.
Tessa's mouth was hanging open slightly before she started crying and pulled her in for a hug.
"Well why didn't you say so"
She whined.

"I'm sorry. "
Kira said and they both started to cry again. I was shifting awkwardly on my foot, feeling so out of place when Kira patted the spot besides them, I'm the bed. I shook my head at telling her that I was fine but then she and Tessa stood up and dragged me into their hug. I felt warm, I felt safe, I felt wanted and despite myself, a small smile graced my lips.

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