chapter 4

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It shot through me, sharp and hard.
It was something that I knew better than I knew myself.
It was my only companion, it was my only friend.
It was pain.

I groaned audibly, even though I was protected from the brunt of the fall, by the boy who.........
Wait! The boy.

I struggled to stand up and I realized I was lying down on him.

I was sitting on his stomach and supporting my self with my hand on his chest.
The pain coursing through my body was momentarily forgotten, as my heart suddenly started beating faster as I felt the hard muscle, underneath me.

I quickly stood up, not understanding what the nervous feeling I was getting was about.

Oh right, back to the boy.

I tapped his cheek, lightly but he didn't move.
I gulped, then I put my ear to his chest.
Mr Grey told me that the organ that keeps us alive is in the chest.

So I moved my ear around his chest, until I could hear a faint thump thump.

I sighed loudly.

"Noise means alive, silence means dead "
I said, relaxing a bit.

I remembered the almost dead man by my side, then I rushed to the kitchen and poured cold water into a bowl.

I sprinkled a bit on his face, he didn't stir.

I let out a frustrated sound, then I poured the whole bowl on him.

He rose with a jerk and started coughing and sputtering as he raised himself off the ground.

His eyes roamed about, unfocused and squinted for a while, until they landed on me.

He quickly moved away, hitting his back on the foot of the staircase.


"Y-you W-what am I doing here"
He said, his eyes still flitting quickly from place to place.

"You fell"
I stated.

"I fell? "
He said.

I nodded hurriedly.

"I fell."
He said again, more quietly, then his eyes filled with realization and he pointed a finger and narrowed his eyes at me.

"You pushed me."
He said, accusingly.

I gasped.
"Y-you were trying and Tessa's honour and I had to protect her!"
I blurted out, the sentence sounding rushed and confused.

"I'm calling the police."
He said, reaching into his pocket, for something.

I gasped again.

Mr Grey said they were bad people.
They didn't want Mr Grey to be free, so they always caught him.
They didn't want me to be free, so they took me to that awful place I called home.

"P-police? No! I'm Tessa's cousin I live here."
I said, I didn't want them to come, I didn't want them to take me back, back to that soulless place.

"You're her cousin?"
He said, eyeing me up and down.

I nodded again.

I wasn't particularly afraid, I'd learnt not to be afraid, fear would make you vulnerable.
But for the first time in years, I felt the sun, I ate that ice cream thing, I wasn't in a dark room, tied up like an animal.

And that is not something I'm giving up.

He looked in deep thought, before saying.
"I believe you."

I sighed in relief.

"Even though you seem totally bonkers, I believe you."

I felt l should have smiled at him, like it was something natural, but I didn't.
I couldn't.

"Aren't you going to apologize?"
He said.

I stiffened, apologize.

Max had special ways of making me apologize.
Special ways of making me beg.
All this was before, before I stopped feeling the pain, stopped feeling anything.

I didn't realize I zoned out, until the man tapped my arm.

"You don't have to apologize if you don't want to"
He said, eyeing me warily.

I nodded again, still feeling like I should have smiled at him.

"Do you only talk when you're defending your cousins honour and stopping me from calling the police."
He said, the slightest of a smile on his face.

I looked away, from him, as his smile made my heart beat quicken and my face feel hot.

I shook my head, saying no.

He dosent say anything more, but stands up.

"I have a really really important file in your cousin's room and I need to get it, I promise I'm not a bad man and that I will not spoil her honor"
He said seriously, even though his eyes held laughter in them.

I nodded slowly.

I decided I would follow him and stand at the door, he could've sent me back there, but he didn't so it's the least I could do.

He got what he wanted and left, showing me how to lock the door.

Dinner was strained and awkward.
The large man from this morning was at the table and everyone was as silent as a graveyard.

I went to bed early, wondering how lonely the rest of my days here were going to be.

I didn't want to sound ungrateful, but the differences between here and there are the many coloured walls and the tasty food.

The people here were as cold, lonely and detached as over there.

At least here I was safe from max and his obsessive need to hurt me.

I sat down in a booth, completely drunk, the boom from the music enticing me to keep dancing.
I noticed again, the blonde guy that had been checking me out earlier, coming towards my booth.

"Hey baby"
He said, his voice slurred with alcohol.

I sized him up, he wasn't ugly, he was an 8/10.
He was wearing a tee and low hung jeans.
He would do.

"Hey handsome"
I said, running my hand over his arm.

His eyes burned with lust, like a dog in heat.
I didn't help, by lowering my hand from his arm, until it accidentally hit the bulge in his trousers.

"I'm bored, you wanna get out of here?"
I said.

He looked like an eager child, as he nodded.

I smiled, knowing I was wanted, needed even, by somebody.

I stood up, dragged my arm around his neck, slowly and purposefully then walked away.
I didn't have to hear his hurried footsteps to know that he was following me.

I smiled, even though another part of me ached, a part that I had buried deep down.
It ached at one more night of meaningless sex.

But I didn't care, it was my body and I'd use it as I please.

Hello, just wanted to drop a little something in Tessa's pov.
See life through her eyes.
If you don't want max to put you in a straight jacket, then vote and spam me with comments.

Yours truly, xan ✌.

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