chapter 7

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"I know I've been bad I've made your family fight but please don't send me to hell."
I begged as I held onto aunt Layla.

She glared at Jason
"Why would you tell her something like that"
She said, still trying to shake me off.

Jason and the kids were trying to hide their laugher.

It was Monday morning and I was expected to go to highschool but the thought of it made me queasy with fear.

"Mitchie sweetheart nobody's sending you to hell.
You're just going to highschool to learn."

She glared at Jason
"jason was just pulling your leg, right Jason?"

She kicked him, when he didn't answer, then he yelled
"Yes! "
"It was just a joke Mitchie, highschool is the most wonderful place in the world."
He said, in a tone that made me feel like I should have been running for the hills, instead of entering aunt Layla's car to be driven off to highschool.

"I love you guys"
Aunt Layla shouted as me and Tessa left the car.

I watched the many kids.
I'd never seen so many people in one place, with different types of looks, hair, clothes and so much color.

"Go get your class schedule from the secretary. I'll see you during break"
Tessa said before she walked off, leaving me in a sea of teenagers, without any form of direction.

I sighed.
I wondered if I did something extra bad to Tessa.
She never met my eye when she was talking to me lately and she was avoiding me like the plague.

She was being such a..... a Max.

I huffed at my lack of a better insult.

"Someone looks like she needs help"
A sweet British voice said from behind me.

I turned to see a smiling Jerry.

I exclaimed, thanking God that I saw somebody I knew.

"The one and only "
He smirked.

"I didn't know you were coming to school here "

"Neither did I"
I said with a shrug.

"Can you please um show me the secretary? I think I'm supposed to get a schedule or planner something. "

"I will love, on one condition"

I groaned, inwardly I had to pay him? But I didn't even have any money.

"You sit with me at lunch "
He said with a full blown dimpled smile.

"I will"
I said quickly.

He laughed.
"That was surprisingly easy."

"I can still change my mind"
I said, aware that we were wasting time.

"Alright, let's go "
He said before grabbing my arm and pulling me through the crowd.

We got to a small office, with dark green panels and blue and white walls.

A small woman was hunched over an old computer, her eyes flitting back and forth on the screen.
She was wearing a drab grey coat so I couldn't see the clothes she had on.

"Mrs Smith"
Jerry said, before he placed a small knock on the frame.

She looked up then her gaze returned back to the computer.

I gave Jerry a wary look before he dragged me in.

"She's um a new student"
He said, she didn't answer.

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