chapter 3

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"She's practically an adult, without any form of education.
What do you want to do, keep her at home forever? "
Said the harsh male voice that had been yelling since.

"Look, she's my only niece her mother is gone.
She's been through hell, what would you have me do? Abandon her!"
Aunt Layla yelled, anger making her voice sound louder than it actually was.

"I don't know, find a solution to that problem"
He said, before I heard the door slam shut, shaking the house.

I ran to my window and saw the large back of a man, moving into the car.

I shuddered as he slammed the car door shut.

I'd been hearing him yell at aunt Layla all morning, I decided I would stay away from him.

"Give it here"
A small voice said, making me turn back as maya and Samuel burst into my room.

"You're so mean Sam, so mean.
I won't play with you"
She said, Blinking  back tears.

I sighed does this girl cry as a hobby.
The tears just kept spilling out of her face, her lips quivering.

I stood there, not knowing how to comfort her.

"What happened"
I asked Samuel.

He shot me a dirty look, before saying

"Mom said to get her ready for school, but she wouldn't stop playing with her stupid doll, so I had to take it from her. "
He huffed.

"Give it back, please"
I said, to Samuel.

He brought out a broken doll.

"I can't, it's broken"
He said, apparently at a loss as well, on how to comfort his little sister.

I sighed and took it from his hand, the head was apart from the body and I was horrified, not seeing why a little child would want to play with this monstrosity.

I picked up a roll of paper that I found to be sticky, I think it's called a tape.

I rolled it around the head and the neck, joining it together.

I picked up a pencil and drew a few designs on it.

"Erm, now your little friend's got a necklace "
I said, awkwardly.

She stopped crying a bit, then she looked up at the doll and stretched out her arms.

I gave it to her, and she smiled a toothless smile then wrapped her small form around my leg.

I blinked startled by her sudden hug.

I hadn't received a hug in years and now, suddenly in two days, I'd received multiple hugs from these people.

She runs out of the room, leaving me with an angry Samuel.

"Don't think we'll ever accept you because you fixed a doll"
He said before he stormed out.

This family was weird, they weren't together in their decisions and I wondered why.

I was wearing a pair of knickers and a black sleeveless shirt, that I borrowed from Tessa.

Aunt Layla said she'd get me more clothes, even though I objected, I was perfectly comfortable in my regular day clothes, which consisted of a grey trouser and a grey shirt, that was when I wasn't kept in a straight, under isolation.

Aunt Layla looked shocked at my explanation and demanded that we buy some clothes the next day.

I really didn't mind the grey, although I hated the straight jacket, I was horrible with small spaces, so I'd always scream when I had it on.

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