7DS: Cornelius

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Basic info:
Name: Cornelius
Nickname(s): Cory
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Species: Unknown
Crush: Ban or Monspiet
Height: 5'9
Weight: 120
Cornelius has fair skin with gold freckles instead of silver all over his face and shoulders. He has wavy, tousled, dark blue hair and turquoise-colored eyes.
His first outfit consists of a white shirt, black pants, black combat boots, and a deep red, leather jacket.
His second outfit is similar to Citalia's—an all black battle suit with silver lines going over the torso, arms, hips, legs, and neck. It also comes with a helmet.
Cornelius displays a personality that is the opposite of Citalia's own. While she tends to act impulsively,  he prefers to think before he does anything (hence why he's prevented her from dying so many times) and shuts down her crazy ideas with logical solutions. However, he has a habit of over analyzing everything in the process and jumping to different conclusions. His mind is a fucking mapping chart that never ends.
He's also quite cynical and judgmental.

He's also a little more reserved and quiet than his sister is. Unlike Citalia, Cory prefers quiet indoor activities over outdoor most of the time and has no problem with hiding away in his room. The idea of being in any kind of social event seems tiring to Cornelius and it often makes him nervous. Yet, he still tries to show a friendly, welcoming aura.

Despite his frustration with his sister's chaotic nature and most of his sarcastic comments being around her 99% of the time, he still loves and cares for her deeply, and is protective over her. He'd be lying if he said all the stress she's causing him wasn't giving him grey hairs.

While he has had a few flings here and there, Cornelius has never actually been in a committed relationship before. For him, crushes are good enough because he'd rather live in the reality of being a friend or an unnoticeable person than getting rejected. However, if he were in a relationship, Cornelius would be extremely shy and too afraid to make any affectionate moves. Not that he wouldn't be comfortable, but it takes him awhile to settle into things first.
Once you get past all of that though, he's the kind of boyfriend who'll plant gentle kisses on his s/o's shoulder and face after they wake up or invent something small but thoughtful for them. Or thinks of really creative date ideas for his s/o.
-listening to music
-inventing small devices
-learning new things
-cute guys

-loud, obnoxious people
-having to save Citalia after her dumb ass gets into some kind of trouble
-repeating himself
-being bothered while reading
-salty stuff
No one really knows where Citalia or her brother are originally from. As infants, Citalia and Cornelius discovered by a group of thieves. They took them in and quickly became Citalia and Cornelius's family. Throughout their childhood, these two were brought up on a life of crime; taught to steal, sneak around heavily guarded places, as well as trick and deceive others. Although bandits weren't exactly anyone's ideal kind of family, they still loved Citalia and Cornelius to bits and treated them like one of their own.
But...they didn't know that one day they would lose everything all because of one person. Citalia's crew was in a battle with a rivaling group of bandits that wanted to rob them of everything they had, including their ship. While their group fought against the bandits, Citalia and Cornelius rushed to go get something from the ship...but when they came back, every single one of their comrades were lying dead on the ground and a man could be seen standing over all of them. They were quick to fight him but instantly regretted it and fled because he was too strong even for the both of them. Eventually, Citalia and Cornelius managed to lose them in an asteroid field.
They didn't live out their lives as thieves, however. Citalia and Cornelius discovered a planet in a solar system hidden somewhere on the other side of the galaxy. It was there that they had created new lives for themselves. The two lied about their background information, of course, and were quickly accepted as citizens. They both settled down but were quick to enlist in the international Air Force.
For the next few years, Citalia and Cornelius went to school and trained as cadets, slowly moving up in the ranks. A few months pass by and the truth about their past was finally revealed when a drunk Citalia accidentally blurted it all to an official. They both were found guilty in a trial and were sentenced to a few years in prison. Citalia and Cornelius would've actually been ended up behind bars had it not been for one of their commanding officers convincing the jury to release them so he could train them to be "better people" and maybe even "leaders of this nation".
Time manipulation: Cornelius' innate ability, capable of bending time itself to his will and using it to his advantage. However, the abilities he has are only a bare minimum of what his mother can do. The same thing applies to Citalia.

•Rewind: Cornelius can rewind time, specifically certain moments, back to where it was a few minutes ago. By doing this, he can repair the current damage that's been done.
•Chrono Vision: Cornelius can induce visions of past and future events on himself.
•Time Reduction: To reduce the opponent's attack speed.
•Time Energy Generation: Cornelius can draw heavy amounts of energy from the time stream and project it into attacks.
•Energy Combat: Like Citalia, Cory can infuse energy into his fighting style.
•Super human strength/ speed
Intelligence: (5/5)
Technique: (3/5)
Power: (3/5)
Speed: (5/5)
Power levels:
Magic: 30,000
Strength: 1,200
Spirit: 300
Total: 31, 500
The Rewind Technique:
•He's only able to rewind the moments he's involved or the moments of people who are within 300 feet.
Chrono Vision:
•The visions only last for 20 seconds.
•It gives him headaches and dizzy spells immediately afterwards.
Attack Speed Reduction:
•This technique will only work for 30 seconds.
Time Energy Generation:
•Generating an excessive amount of energy will cause Cory extreme pain in various parts of his body such as his head, chest, and stomach.
•Cornelius has several weak spots located all over his body; on his chest, his upper left side, his right hip, his shoulders, the back of his neck, and the center of his back.
Extra info:
•He gets overly excited when he's talking about his inventions and space.
•He helps Citalia cut her hair when it gets too long.
•Cornelius deals with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
•Cornelius does have one specific goal in mind and that goal is to find out who his mother is. He's been traveling and doing research for years, trying to pinpoint just who she might be.
•He's never been in a relationship with anyone else before.
•He likes to discover small artifacts or devices.
•Sometimes he talks in his sleep.
•He used to be bi and panphobic. This caused a major bump in his relationship with his sister after she came out because he believed that sexuality was either gay or straight. He's changed now and fully supports his pansexual sister.
//nsfw stuff//
•hair pulling
•hickeys and bite marks
•different positions
•oral sex (giving and receiving)
•dry humping
•ice play
[probably gonna add more later lol]

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