SheRa: Amari

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Name: Princess Amari
Nickname(s): Lady Amari or Knuckle-head
Age: 3,400
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Height: 6'0
Weight: 138
Amari has emerald green skin with light green, intricate lines that resemble branches all over her body. Her eyes and hair, which she usually keeps in a braid, are a jet black color. She has a long, sweeping tail that comes to a triangle shape on the end and on each hand/foot, there are only four phalanges. She has two sets of pointed ears(a big one and a smaller one underneath) as well as a set of fangs on her canines.
She usually wears a navy blue shirt that covers her upper torso, a red fabric wrapping around her waist, navy blue pants that stop an inch below her knees, a utility belt, and wears no shoes.
Her formal attire is a deep blue cloth that wraps around her torso (leaving a bit of her stomach exposed), black leggings that stop an inch below her knees, and a blue skirt that goes down to her ankles.

Amari can be a bit much to handle; She's got an adventurous spirit that goes hand in hand with her curious nature. She's no stranger to hardwork as she always digs her nose to the grind to serve her parents and her people. However, this doesn't mean that she doesn't scoff at tradition and the laws of her tribe, the Occione people. In spite of all of her training, she isn't entirely sure if she's ready to take on the throne one day and lead her clan. She's never been able to avoid bending the rules, especially the ones about sneaking out past midnight or interacting with outsiders. She hopes that one day, the Zuranians will come to see the outside world in a different light and maybe even embrace it.
-collecting pebbles
-hanging out with her friends
-being compared to others
-not being good enough
-the idea of arranged marriage
-being confined to her chambers
-wet, swampy places
It is not known where Arethians originate from. For a long time, no one even knew that they existed in Etheria. The Arethians have survived and thrived for many, many years by staying hidden and protecting their own. They would only jump into battle if absolutely necessary. The Arethians are not only scattered throughout Etheria but they are also divided into five major tribes.

Each tribe specializes in something that sets them apart from one another in a unique way; The first tribe, the Yumahara tribe, is gifted in creating the most beautiful (but at the same time, incredibly deadly) crafts such as weapons, tools, etc.

The second tribe, the Okioné tribe, specializes in chemistry as they create potions and other materials out by using the environment provides them with.

The third tribe, the Pa'li tribe, is exceptionally skilled with taming with wild animals and have used them to scout for threats or defend their village.

The fourth tribe, the Mosai tribe, specializes in using the geographical structures of the land to create navigating systems, trade routes, hiding places, etc. They know their region extremely well and picking a fight with them on their own land will not end well for their enemies.

And finally, the fifth tribe, the Monusa tribe, has skills that lie in a more.....astral area. They, out of all of the tribes, have the deepest connection to the spirit world and can communicate with spirits.

These five tribes have never once made contact with the outside world and Amari was sure that it would stay that way for as long as they lived. Until one fateful day....she discovered a wounded soldier of Brightmoon a few miles outside of the village. She didn't hesitate to take her back to her village to heal her and provide shelter for her. Her parents were greatly displeased at this but Amari chose to ignore them. The soldier explained that her base located near Brightmoon was attacked by a barrage of Horde soldiers.
Having never heard of the Horde, Amari had asked her what it was and the soldier was shocked, but explained anyways.

After hearing that, Amari's entire view of the world changed. Before that, she wanted nothing to do with the outside world, believing that the smaller, simpler world she lived in was better. But what the soldier had told about the Horde's cruel ways—attacking innocent people, destroying the Whispering Forest bit by bit, and many more all inspired Imani to speak with her parents. They had refused entirely at first but with a little bit of time and thinking, they were beginning to consider it. That was the smallest speck of hope that Amari had held onto it. But even after her parents agreed to this, Amari was faced with a bigger challenge: convincing the other tribes. One tribe had never acted or even made decisions regarding the outside world without consulting the other tribes who would be just as stubborn as Imani's parents were. Amari immediately made plans to go to Bright Moon and speak with the queen and gain her aid in convincing the other tribes and hopefully forming an alliance.
Powers/ Abilities:
-Increased strength (5x stronger than the average human//can break through hard surfaces//can lift extremely heavy objects)
-Increased hearing(two sets of ears allow her to hear two different things at once//4x stronger than a humans hearing)
-Heightened intelligence(resourceful and creative when it comes to solving problems or crafting)
-Increased leaping ability, agility and endurance
-Chi Manipulation (can use this ability by channeling energy from their physical body or drawing it from nature or the cosmos)
Hand to hand combat: (7/10)
Weapon combat: (9/10)
Weapon: Wooden staff
-Amari has not mastered her chi yet like most Zuranians and is limited to small energy attacks.
-Channeling energy from her body can be exhausting and it requires even more concentration to draw it from surrounding sources.
-If her body is not physically prepared, then the chi could be sent into flux.
-Having two sets of ears means that they're incredibly sensitive and can be harmed from very loud sounds.
-Salt water can burn her skin
-Her weapon can't take a lot of major hits in battle.
-Her tail is prehensile.
-She's kind of a tomboy, like most female Zuranians.
-The average height for male Zuranians is 5'9 and the average height for females is 6'0.
-Her village is perfectly hidden under dozens of shrouds of gigantic trees and bushes. It's also made up of tree houses that interconnect with one another, including the palace.
-Each of the five tribes are in control of something
called "The Sacred Lakes" and as dumb of a name as it sounds, it's very serious to them and they would defend these "lakes" with their lives.

Crush: Adora or Scorpia

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