SheRa: Elena

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Basic Info:
Name: Elena
Nickname(s): Princess Elena, Flame Princess, or redhead
Age: Around the same age as Adora
Birthday: January 14
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Species: Uknown

Physical appearance:
Height: 5'5
Weight: 120
Figure: Hourglass
         Myra has ebony skin with golden freckles all over her face and shoulders. She has golden-orange eyes that are complimented by her coily magenta hair.
Scars/Tattoos?: On her left arm is a tattoo with three triangles interconnecting and a flame sits at the center.

 Casual outfit:

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Casual outfit:

 Formal outfit:

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Formal outfit:


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Weapon(s)?: Twin daggers • • •Personality:When first meeting her, Elena can give off the impression of someone who's quiet and reserved

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Weapon(s)?: Twin daggers

When first meeting her, Elena can give off the impression of someone who's quiet and reserved. However, once she's come out of her shell, Elena is a very outgoing and sweet person who will crack jokes now and then. She's got an empathetic heart, always trying to see things from other people's eyes to understand better.
In spite of this, Elena is someone who can become jealous easily when it comes to the success of others. She ends up comparing herself to others and puts herself down despite what she's accomplished. Sometimes, she'll even stress herself out trying to one-up others. She also has a bad habit of second-guessing herself and everything she does, causing even further stress.
In a relationship, Elena would be very loyal to her partner and would put all of her trust into them. She would do her best to make sure that her partner is comfortable with her in physical and emotional aspects. No matter what, however, she would expect honesty from both sides of the relationship and nothing less.

-making others laugh
-being wrapped up in blankets
-essential oils
-frilly, poofy clothing
-mistakes on paper(seriously, she'll redo an entire essay if she makes one mistake-)

Elena is the princess of Sarin, the kingdom of fire, and the second-born child of King Avrik and Queen Garona. Her ancestors settled in Etheria thousands of years after the First Ones did and built their society from the ground up. They were a strong, powerful, and fearsome empire that no other kingdom dared to mess with. It reached a point where they shared no alliances with because of how afraid others were of them. This caused the nation of fire to plunge itself into isolation for many, many years.

When the Horde began its quest to conquer Etheria, the people held off their attacks almost effortlessly, blasting ships and soldiers away with their fire.
However, the tables turned later on when an army showed up with a strange machine, releasing a green gas into the air. Despite their efforts to stop it, they weren't even able to land a scratch on the device. Many people, civilian and soldier alike, died from this lethal poison within a few days after inhaling it, thus causing a decline in population. What made it worse was that the gas lingered for months on end so survivors were forced to remain in underground chambers, hoping and praying that it would pass.

When it did, the people of Sarin were faced with a period of great despair and mourning. A special cemetery was created in the royal palace to honor not only the soldiers but the civilians as well. Sarin would never be the same way again. The greatest defense that they could create in place of the army was a shield of fire that surrounds the kingdom, but even that is growing weak each day.

The queen grew ill after the attack and had not left her room since. People like her maids, advisors, and her children come to visit her often to see how she's doing. She merely sits at the window and stares out over the kingdom with a broken gaze.

As for the king, he became more cold, harsh, and paranoid. He shut himself away in the library, continually trying to predict when the Horde would attack next or planning training sessions for the young recruits that have joined what remains of his army or organizing more search parties for his missing daughter.

Ah yes, the girl had disappeared without a trace about a month after the attack on her kingdom occurred. After hearing word about the "princess alliance," which had somehow reached her kingdom, Elena had set out on a diplomatic mission to find the other princesses and join the alliance for the sake of her crumbling kingdom and all of Etheria.

Fire Manipulation
•By drawing her power from the ruby stone in her necklace, Elena is able to generate and control fire at an incredible level of skill.
-Fire Attacks
-Fire Shield
-Heat Generation
Hand-to-hand combat: (8/10)
Weapon combat: (9/10)
-For whatever reason, if she draws too much power from the ruby, the rune stone will zap energy from her body as a way of taking that power back.
-Elena has to be careful when using her powers so that she doesn't accidentally burn something she didn't mean to burn.
-Needless to say, Elena's flames can be rivaled by water and ice.

Extra info:
•Elena is so insecure about her scar that she won't even say how she got it.
•Elena likes to try and change the subject whenever she's embarrassed or flustered.
•Elena learned how to cook simple meals from her personal nanny when she was younger.
•Once Elena sees a cute animal, it will be very difficult to detach her from it.

Crush: Adora or Catra

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