Dakota Presley

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"Yeah, I'd fuck her."

Name: Dakota Presley
Nickname(s): None
Age: 398 (19 in human years)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Species: Vampire
Extra physical info:
Height: 6'0
Weight: 150

Name: Dakota PresleyNickname(s): NoneAge: 398 (19 in human years)Gender: FemaleSexuality: Lesbian Species: VampireAppearance:Extra physical info: Height: 6'0Weight: 150

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Dakota grew up in a rather violent household; both of her parents, who were once loving and gentle, were abusive physically and verbally. There were countless nights where her father and mother would become drunk and beat the living hell out of her or her brother. They'd find the smallest reasons to punish them or would even beat them if they irritated them the slightest bit. Dakota found herself constantly taking the beatings for her younger brother, Jamie. There were nights where she'd force him to hide while she distracted her parents until they passed out. School was the only actual escape for the two of them despite the many risks of people finding out about their life at home. Dakota was forced to wear jeans and jackets every day to hide the scars and bruises from nights before. Whenever they were discovered, she'd always make up a lie and say she hurt herself on accident. Eventually, the abuse got to a point where her mother pulled a knife on her brother and stabbed him to death. After that, Dakota just ran away. She ran as far and as fast as she could because she was terrified, above all other emotions. Dakota had no idea where her life would go after that; she became a survivalist. She'd hunt for small things like rabbits and squirrels. Rabbits and squirrels turned into deer and bears, and eventually, animal blood wasn't enough to satisfy her. She would lure people in by pretending to be injured and when they got close enough, she'd kill them. Sometime later in her lifetime, she did what most vampires do, and camouflaged herself into human society. Currently, she lives in Los Angeles and attends community college, working on the side as a bartender/stripper.

Dakota may look and act innocent when you first meet her. But oh honey, she sure as hell isn't. She lives to make dirty jokes, says "that's what she said" whenever she can, and knows just about every kink in the book.
She's also got a bad habit of flirting with other girls; she loves seducing them and even fucking them. She won't admit it but she's never really experienced romantic love and because of that, she feels as if there's a big hole in her chest. So she fills it to the brim with lust and desire instead. She hopes that someday she'll be able to experience true love for the first time (despite how corny it may sound). Dakota does have a compassionate and protective side towards kids. She's got a soft spot for them; sometimes she'll watch them play in the parks or the woods because they bring back memories of her brother. She also watches over the familiar faces of children that pass by her building when walking home or to school and tries to keep them safe (she often time kills humans or other vampires that try to lure them away).

-hot girls
-kinky shit
-saying dirty jokes or pick up lines
-blood mixed with alcohol
-hip hop/rap music
-old cartoons
-wearing nothing but oversized hoodies around the house

-guys showing up at the lesbian bar she works at
-being hit on by guys
-driving (too many idiots on the road)
-waking up early
-cheesy movies
-boring lectures
-sunlight hitting her face directly
-lack of neatness
-being interrupted

Father (Mason) || Status: Dead
Mother (Beatrice) || Status: Dead
Brother (Jamie) || Status: Dead

Smut?: Oh yes~

Turn on's/kinks:
-exposed skin
-lip biting
-hair pulling
-lingerie (or any sexy outfits in general)
-her name being moaned
-mommy kink
-dirty talk
-doing it in front of the mirror
-doing it against the wall

Turn off's:
-foot play
-anything involving bodily fluids
-doing it in public places
-vulgar names such as "whore" or "slut"
-master/slave kink
-pain (slapping or hitting; she's okay with biting though)

Top or bottom:

Extra information:

Powers/ Abilities:
-Supernatural senses
-Supernatural strength
-Supernatural speed
-Supernatural durability
-Supernatural stamina
-Supernatural regeneration

•A wooden stake through the heart. While it won't necessarily kill her, it will leave her unconscious for a few days.
•Holy water can leave some serious burns on her body.
•Decapitation - and as a bonus point, this one isn't exactly exclusive to vampires; it conveniently works on almost any supernatural creature, and humans too.
•Crosses, but not necessarily other religious symbols. In modern renditions, this is usually subject to the power of belief of the wielder, the vampire, both, or neither.
•Certain plants or substances, garlic or silver being most common.
•Turning into a bat requires a lot of energy which is why she doesn't do it much.
•If vampires and werewolves are natural enemies, one may be vulnerable to their bite/scratch.

-Sometimes she has nightmares about her brother or parents.
-She likes to sleep with her pets on the bed.
-She's never opened up about her feelings or past to anyone.
-She hurts herself sometimes when she's alone.
-She's a big fan of tea and energy drinks.
-She doesn't socialize with a lot of people except for when she's at work.
-Her favorite human food is cake.
-She's majoring in dance and theatre right now. She's also a freshman in college.

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