7DS: Elijah

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Name: Elijah
Nickname(s): Eli (EE-LY), Little shit, Runt
Age: 398(20 in human years)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Demon
Height: 6'0
Weight: 199
Elijah has an athletic build, a faint six pack on his stomach. He has relatively dark skin with short, crimson red hair that is swept to the side and usually large, golden eyes(when his powers aren't activated). When his powers are activated, his demon mark is the traditional symbol of the demon clan with a crow perched on top of the spiral.

Backstory:Elijah was born a few years before the Holy War actually began

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Elijah was born a few years before the Holy War actually began. He was the son of a high ranking and not to mention, powerful demon who operated eight under the Ten Commandments themselves. His mother died when he was just a baby, leaving his father and to some extent, his three elder brothers to raise him.

He, along with his brothers, were all trained from a young age to become fighters. Each day was always a routine of waking up, training from morning to evening, and then straight to bed. And then the cycle repeated itself. Despite how much dedication his brothers seemed to put forth, Elijah was never the same. He felt as if his control over his life was in the hands of his own father; He never had a say in what he could and couldn't be. It was always only what his father wanted. This only drove Elijah further away from his father's ambition as he never put forth one hundred percent of effort into his training or his lessons. As a result, he turned out to be a decent fighter.

Their father would train them for years before they moved on to actually killing an opponent in battle. It was then that they would prove themselves worthy of being a warrior. They would take on the challenge of fighting a goddess for the very first time. When it came time for what would basically be an ambush, the goddess was a mere foot soldier compared to others, but his father warned them not to underestimate her. And he was right; fighting that goddess took much more than they had expected. But at some point during the fight, Elijah grew cocky and the goddess delivered a blow that sent him into a coma. While he was out, his brothers were supposed to be the ones to take him home but instead, they took him somewhere else.

When he finally woke up (bout time ya little bitch-), his brothers explained to him that they were members of Stigma and had told him that their father was the one who killed their mother. Elijah, of course, did not believe them one bit and had wondered if this was the after effects of being in a coma but after a few minutes, he realized that they were dead serious. They even showed him where their mother's corpse was. Elijah was shocked, confused, and scared, to say the least. He knew his father could be overbearing and harsh but he didn't think he would've gone so far as to murder his own mother.
Soon after, he joined Stigma and took his place alongside his brothers.....all before they suddenly "disappeared" for almost a full year. They stayed at one of Stigma's bases and didn't see their father again until they joined a battle between Stigma and the demons. Their father didn't hesitate to attack them, his rage radiating off of him, shouting that they were disgraces to the demon clan. Elijah and his brothers fought their hardest but their father, being far stronger than all of them combined, still had the upper hand for most of the fight. Just when Elijah prepared to attack again, his eldest brother used his darkness to form a sphere of darkness around him, trapping him where he was. It didn't take a genius to know that he was trying to get him away from the battle and as much as Elijah fought to get out of there, the darkness that surrounded him was too strong. The last words he heard before an explosion went off were, "I'll see you on the other side..."

A few days later, the sphere, which had apparently been "traveling", opened itself up and released Elijah. He didn't know what to think or what to do. He knew his brothers were dead. But where would he go? There was no way he could return home and he had no clue where he could locate any other members of Stigma? He was completely and utterly lost and alone.

Fast-forward through months of hardship and despair and Elijah had begun to pick himself up, learning to survive each passing day. He had adapted to humans quite quickly as he wandered from place to place until.....he came across a location that would change his life. It was a place for fighters who would conquer the ring. He didn't hesitate to sign up and has been there ever since, battling on the daily and earning money just for defeating opponents.
At first hand, Elijah's personality is the exact opposite of his looks: unpleasant. He's extremely sarcastic and bitter most of the time, often making snarky and rude remarks. It doesn't help that he has a short temper and is extremely aggressive when someone or something sets him off. He is also a trigger-happy moron who yearns for violence as he always gets excited and giddy whenever he sees the opportunity to jump into a good fight. Despite all of this, Elijah doesn't lack common sense; he knows when he needs to stop or back out of something after he's gone to far. He knows when he needs to follow his brain instead of his heart after making a mistake. Most of the time, at least.

Elijah likes to act as if he doesn't feel anything, like he doesn't need anyone but himself. Deep down, Elijah longs for companionship, warmth and light. He doesn't wish to be alone any longer but he feels that he'll be alone for the rest of his life. He has no idea how to express his emotions verbally; In fact, the only thing he really knows is violence as a way to release his stress and anger. Elijah has never been in a relationship before but there have been times where he's wanted to experience one.

If he was in a relationship, he'd be the most playful, mischievous, loving, and, let's not forget, protective partner. He'd be the type of lover who's clingy and possessive, constantly making sure that people know who his partner belongs to. And you can bet that he'd get into a fight defending his partner regarding anything, whether it's shit-talking or attacking. You name it.
-cute girls and guys
-spicy food
-quiet and peaceful plays/ loud and energetic places
-cats and dogs
-doing crazy and reckless shit
-talking about the demon clan
-being restricted
-being inactive
-people who underestimate him
-ignorant people
-expressing how he feels
-when people talk shit about him
Powers/ Abilities:
Magical Ability: "Cloak"-Elijah has the ability to put some sort of "cloak" over his magical aura completely. This comes in handy when he doesn't want to be noticed in the presence of other magical beings.
Signature Attack: "Illusion"-With this ability, Elijah can trap his victims in illusions that are so vivid and hypnotizing that it distracts them long enough for him to do what he needs to do. He has complete control over what the vision is—the setting, who's in it, what's happening, whether it's nightmare inducing or like paradise, etc.
Other abilities:
-Darkness manipulation
-Soul stealing
-Purgatory Fire
-Indura transformation (When it comes to Indura, Elijah's form rapidly switches between two different creatures; )

Other abilities: -Darkness manipulation  -Soul stealing -Purgatory Fire -Indura transformation (When it comes to Indura, Elijah's form rapidly switches between two different creatures; ) Weapon?:

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-In some scenarios, he can become so angry that he doesn't think about the outcomes of his actions.
-Every time he switches forms in Indura form, his heart grows weaker.
-His illusion ability only lasts for about 3-4 minutes when using it on someone more powerful than him, 6-7 minutes when it's on someone weaker than him.
-He wears a ring that he stole from one of his brothers on his right hand.
-He likes to flirt sometimes.
-Believe it or not, he enjoys it when human holidays roll around.
Crush: Escanor or Dolor
Smut?: The answer is always yes
Turn on's:
-moaning or whimpering
-slight pain play

Turn off's:
-knife play
-gross shit(piss, shit, foot, etc)
-food play
-breath play

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