7DS: Jasper

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Name: Jasper
Nickname(s): Hot-head or The Cursed Phoenix
Age: 215 (19 in human years)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'6
Weight: 167
Jasper is fair skinned with a very athletic build. She has short violet purple hair and crimson red eyes. Her arms, which are usually covered in white bandages, are littered with black tattoos and her right wrist has tattoos of red and orange feathers around it. She wears baggy, black pants, a white tank top, a navy blue cloak with a hood, and brown boots. She carries around a small brown bag with water, food (bread and berries), a map, and a journal.
Jasper is normally laid back and easy to approach, not one to be angered or annoyed so easily. Although, she's got a biting sarcasm that goes hand in hand with her cynical mindset. She does mean well, however, and will respect everyone as long as they respect her. No one earns her loyalty until she believes that they deserve it and once they do, she'll stay by their side til' the very end. And there are few people whom she's met in her lifetime who have earned her loyalty. Juno might be loyal but she lacks empathy; it isn't easy to talk to her about feelings without her shutting you down. This is one of the roots from her inability to see grey areas; she only sees black and white most of the time.
•writing in her journal
•doing anything athletic
•small animals
•being alone in the dark
•eating meat
•being wrong
•being put on the spot
•explaining things (only because she's bad at it)
Jasper wasn't always a human. She wasn't always able to walk around on two feet or grab things with two hands. She once took the form of a firebird with blazing eyes, bright red and orange feathers licked by flames, and crimson talons. She was one of the rarest birds in existence and it was no surprise that she was the most wanted. There are many rumors that circulate phoenix birds; some believe that the blood of a phoenix will extend your lifespan or even make you immortal, others believe that eating the heart of a phoenix will give you its abilities, and many more follow. Phoenix's didn't have weaknesses as far as others were concerned. But little did they know that witchcraft was their one main weakness. Jasper was cursed by three witches who called themselves The Weird Sisters of the Dark Dimension and was sealed away in the ruins of a temple for about 200 years before a stranger who stumbled upon it broke the seal. When she was free, she found that she no longer had the appearance of an actual bird but a human. Adapting to it was no walk in the park either; the body felt so strange because of not only it's structure but because of its fluids, it's functions, and it's needs; she now needed food, water and other necessities that she never needed before in order to survive. And strangely enough, wearing clothes around other humans was a necessity as well. Over the months that passed after that, she came to realize that she wasn't the same as she was before, not just in a sense of appearance; her life span was shortened drastically, meaning that she wouldn't live up to be 1,000 years old. She would live up to 900 years before she died and was reborn in the next 10,000 years. Every time she is injured to a point where it is considered fatal, she does not die but a feather on her wrist disappears, symbolizing ten years taken off of her life.
She is a traveler at the moment and collects money whenever she can by selling small items or working temporary jobs.
•Fire Manipulation
•Transformation (can transform into bird form)
•Flight: Either by transformation or forming wings of fire
•Enhanced strength
•Enhanced endurance
•Enhanced reflexes
•Healing Tears/Regenerative Healing Factor
Hand to Hand combat: (8/10)
•Transforming into a her bird form causes an extreme amount of pain and can even result in a near-death injury if she stays in that form for too long.
•Flames are rivaled and can be put out by ice and water.
•Her healing tears only work if she feels a deep, emotional connection to the person who is injured.
•Her combat isn't that great because she mainly relies on major kicks and hits/dodging. She also doesn't use any kind of weapon.
•She's always warm. Changes in weather don't effect her.
•She talks in her sleep.
•She's always wanted someone to teach her how to dance.
•She likes to observe people sometimes.
•She has a soft spot for children and cute animals.
Arthur or Elaine
Smut?: Bitch yes
Turn on's:
•pain play (just hair pulling and biting)
•bruises and bite marks
•sweet talk (phrases such as "you're beautiful" or "I love you")
Turn off's:
•anything involving foot
•piss play
•food okay
•extreme bondage
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