Olivia Jones

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Name: Olivia Jones
Nicknames: Liv, Songbird, turtle-lover, purple ninja

Age: 18

Species: Human

Personality: Olivia can be described as a down to earth, laid-back, and calm person in all general although there's a bit of a smart-ass, sassy nature that can follow it. She's also seen as intelligent because of her knowledge on a variety of different subjects. She has a big heart; compassionate and caring from the core. As a matter of fact, she's got a passion for taking care of others which is why she digs her nose to the grind constantly, studying and training because one day she wants to be either a doctor, veterinarian or even a marine biologist. Sometimes she tries a little too hard to help others and ends up burning herself out in the process, not knowing just when to draw the line. She often beats herself up for not being able to help others, even for the things that are out of her control. Persistence is another one of her key factors and often ends up being the reason why she bites off more than she can chew. She's got a large fascination with animals, especially sea creatures which she's been drawn to ever since she was little.

Height: 5'4
Weight: 160
Olivia has a slim but well built figure. She has light brown skin, black hair that goes past her shoulders with purple streaks, and soft brown eyes. In the summer, she wears skirts with tank tops and converse. In the winter/fall, she usually wears hoodies, jeans, converse, and beanies.

-hanging out at the beach
-helping her parents at the clinic
-learning about new sea creatures

-people who neglect their pets
-getting sand in her shoes
-being bothered when she's trying to read
-when customers try to give her parents attitude

Sexuality: Bisexual (leans more towards girls)

Father: Jonathan Jones
Mother: Charlotte Jones
Older brother: Isaac Jones

Olivia grew up on the shores of Japan, watching her father rescue animals washed up on the shore or her mother perform surgery on patients. She found herself wanting to follow in their footsteps and so she began helping them every day with whatever task that needed assistance, big or small. Eventually, they moved from Japan to the United States where Olivia began high school, taking as many health classes as she could whilst still trying to complete the required courses. When she graduated high school, she applied to about four different colleges that focused on healthcare, (including both people and animals) and only one of them accepted her. She took the opportunity nonetheless and majored in health. She wasn't entirely successful in the first semester and ended up failing, resulting in huge amounts of stress and anxiety. At some point, she ended up in the headmasters office, begging for another chance which, luckily, she was given. She studied extra hard and was able to re-take and pass all of her exams the second time. Currently, she's in her second semester and is being put through much harder units with large amounts of homework and exams to prepare for. She lives with her family on the eastern coast of California in a two story house. Her dad works at the local clinic, her mom works at the hospital in the city and her brother works at small cafe in town.

Smut?: Yes

Turn on's:
-her thighs being rubbed
-eating out
-hair pulling (she likes it when people give her hair a nice tug)
-neck biting

Turn off's
-All the gross stuff (golden showers, foot play, etc.)
-bodily fluids

Top or Bottom?:

Cursing?: Yes

•Olivia is kind of a nerd.
•Her favorite meal is Alfredo with salted tomatoes on the side.
•She can't cook.
•Don't let her cook.
•She's clumsy but denies it.
•She has a tendency to talk to herself too much.
•Her birthday is on November 17th and her zodiac is Scorpio.

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