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So I was thinking about Zootopia again and one of the lines started to stand out

It's the line when the pig at the strike said "GO BACK TO THE FOREST PREDATOR!" and the cheetah replies "I AM FROM THE SAVANNA" 

It kind of reminded me of how uneducated we are on what we hate sometimes 

It's like that one time when my mom was walking on the street and someone yells at her "GO BACK TO INDIA!" because she was Muslim (they assume she's Muslim cuz she wears a cap...even though it's nowhere near an actual hijaab and she only wears it cuz she doesn't have that many hairs from breast cancer but okay random stranger that knows nothing about us -_-) 

The lady that yelled at her thought that every Muslim was from India. The pig thought that every predator is from the forest

It relates to how uneducated people are when they hate against a race of religion. 

Though the lady was COMPLETELY off since India's population consists mostly of HINDUS and BANGLADESH, PAKISTAN, and SAUDI ARABIA are the places with the most MUSLIMS 

Ya freakn idiot =3= 

It shows how people who are more mature like me and basically everyone reading this cuz I know my friends are mature always research about what they hate and have a legitimate reason to hate it. Heck, it's why I'm able to make the rant videos since I have ACTUAL reasons to hate the four vixens 

People who blindly hate are the ones who are the least educated about what they hate and are VERY immature (I mean remember Zooer? SHES AT LEAST TWO YEARS OLDER THAN ME) 

Man I still can't believe how even ONE LINE of Zootopia has so many meanings. LIKE DAYUM BYRON YOU REALLY GOT DA BALLS TO MAKE DIS MOVIE O.O You peeps can have your opinions but to me, Zootopia will always be my favorite movie and will always be the best way to show kids the real world in my opinion. 

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