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So I fell on Saturday and forgot to talk about it xDDDDDDD

So my parents and I came he from Jacksonheights and I was walking up the steps of our buildings while holding my mom's hand

I looked down and saw a beatle on the next step

I tried to step around it

I accidentally stepped on the next step

And after I realized I tried to go down but my other leg was already up in the air and I fell ;v;

My mom tried to catch me but wasn't strong enough and gravity hates me so I still fell but not as much as I would've if she didn't catch me.

My knee is scraped ;v;

Oh and I was wearing full pants so it didn't have that much of an effect and this is another reason y I hate shorts since I have a tendency to fall a lot

If I were a few years younger I probably would've been crying but by now, I was used to falling so I was pretty chill while my mom was freaking out xdd

I fell on my knees when riding my scooter before and I fell on the staircase in school before too so I'm used to falling and now I just brush it off and forget about it xdddd

But yeah now u know my fear of bugs can cause me to be an idiot at times ;v;

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