♡Chapter One♡

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Chapter 1

"Dad, dad look!" Honey laughed. Her wand was tightly clutched in her hand and her grin painted widely over her glossed pink lips. She had only just dressed for the day, excitement bubbling in her stomach for the next week that her best friend would be joining her at their home and in his much more casual outfit than hers, her father turned.

She had used her wand to create a light similar to the colour of her hair, the honey blonde hair in waves to her shoulders seemed too-similar to that floating by her like a watery, floating glitter. She was particularly skilled with charms and found herself reading books upon books about such a thing - potions too.

She used a hair potion to get rid of the frizz that came with her natural waves, leaving them sleek and nice and tidy - natural, too.

"This witch thing really does fry my brain," said her dad, pinching the bridge of his nose as the floating glitter passed by him and soon retracted back into her wand. He brushed down the flannelled shirt he wore over some old t-shirt.

He was a casual man with a fancy job that allowed them enough to stay in the heart of London. A businessman who spent as much time with his daughter as he possibly could before she left for school and the suits came back out from the very corner of his closet.

"You would love to be a wizard," Honey giggled, sitting down her wand on the marbled counter of their kitchen and grabbing her hairbrush. She had brushed her hairs more than once, and the waves stayed perfectly intact regardless of how much she pulled the brush through her hair - she wasn't nervous to see her best friend, just too excited to sit still.

"You see Dana every single day for the majority of the year," her father mumbled, shaking his head at the fidgeting girl bubbled over with excitement. They hadn't thought of plans for their day ahead but she didn't care all that much, her muggleborn best friend cared just as much about pop culture as she did and the two of them together - at Hogwarts, or not - was a force to be reckoned with.

"Dad, I haven't seen her in months though!" she exclaimed, arms flailing and the cardigan that fell over her shoulders soon fell off. Her plaid skirt that seemed to be in fashion at the moment swished as she walked, converse hitting off the ground in thuds when the buzzing of the caller rang through.


"Dana!" squealed Honey, hurriedly clicking the button to unlock the downstairs door to allow her best friend access and with another squeal, she waited at the door she swung open.

"I missed you!" Honey screeched with excitement, throwing her arms around Dana who had run into her arms wearing a similar style of fashion to her best friend - complete with a scrunchie almost identical to Honey's short of the colour.

"Scott!" Dana grinned, throwing her arms around Honey's father who laughed at the girl with a grin. Dana had visited the Hughes household since she was a first year, getting to know Honey's dad as much as she got closer with Honey. She was like a second daughter to the man and Scott was certainly a second father to her, she loved the two more than she could possibly explain.

"It's good to see you, Dana. How is legal magic treating you?" asked Scott, trying to understand magic was like trying to understand teenage girls, sometimes it wasn't too bad - but other times...well.

"It's good. My mum freaks out all the time, though, it weirds her out which is pretty funny to watch. Pranking her is fun." Dana grinned innocently, patting Honey's cheek and hurrying to the kitchen to grab as many muggle snacks as she could carry.

"I need to borrow your daughter, Scotty," she called, ignorant to Honey's giggle in her dad's direction who merely shook his head - once again pinching the bridge of his nose. The two girls were a handful together, but even without their combined personalities - they could be tough.

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