One Shot 6♡

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When Mayank dropped his briefcase on the table, he noticed his house seemingly too silent instead of the usual noise which had made him almost deaf.


Shrugging his shoulders, he strode towards his room on the second floor.

As soon as he reached the floor, his gaze fell on his son, who was standing outside his room, peeping through the key hole.

Mayank tapped his shoulder and he gasped as if a deer caught in red light.

"What happened?" He softly asked him.

"Umm a...". Aakash muttered but stepped aside, letting his dad turn the door knob to actually figure out the situation.

Anger was radiating through her body. With eyebrows furrowed and jaws tight, Amrita looked like a lioness ready to pounce.

On the other hand, his little girl had her head hung low.

As she looked up at Mayank, happiness crept on her face.

"Papa!" Anamika chimed in relief.

"What's happening here?" Mayank asked eyeing Amrita.

His wife was seething, he could tell.

"Today she has crossed all the limit." Amrita fumed.

"Amrita... calm down." Mayank held her cheek.

"Calm down! Actually it's all your fault." She accused him.

"My fault... What have I done?"

She bobbed her head, "You spoilt her. All because of your constant pampering instead of disciplining her." She folded her arms and shook her head in exasperation.

He narrowed his eyes, "Would you at least tell me what has she done?"

"She hit a boy in school with a bat. Her teacher called me to complain about her."

I just don't know what should I do with her... she has turned into a little hitman." She breathe out.

"Mom! I'm a hit girl ... not a hitman" Anamika mumbled but stopped when she saw her mother's stern look.

Mayank suppressed a chuckle and sighed briefly before sauntering towards Anamika whose eyes had turned moist.

"My daughter won't do it without any reason." He immediately turned to Anamika and wiped her tears.

"Did you ask her why did she hit him with a bat or did she actually hit him?" He asked Amrita.

"No." Amrita replied with a frown on her face.

"Miku, did you hit that boy?" He asked her and Anamika slowly nodded her head.

Mayank closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "Why?"

"Papa, Bhai ... and I were playing during recess when Bhai accidentally tripped and pushed him by mistake...  Maruti.... Maruti pushed Bhai and called him names..." She hiccuped.

Mayank traced his fingers on her face and wiped it again.

She blinked before continuing, "I couldn't see him and his friends tortur... torturing bhai... They were many... nobody stopped him... nobody... so I hit him with a bat.. and Miss Gloria saw us." She halted.

Mayank smiled and turned to his wife, "Call Aakash here..."

Amrita didn't say a word before opening the door, signalling the boy to come ahead.

Aakash's face was alarmed when he noticed his dad's blank look.

"Dad! It's not Miku's fault. Maruti started it." Aakash immediately uttered, coming to Anamika's defence.

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