One Shot 12♡

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Nakul was way beyond happy. True to his words, he had scored an A plus in all his tests and in return, Kuldeep, his dad had promised the entire family a trip.

How fascinating this vacation would be, he thought. He even tried to avoid the sleep last night in excitement until Mayank told him that he won't be able to enjoy if he couldn't gather proper rest now.

Times as such were rare. His dad was extremely busy in expanding the business but he always tried to have some family time with them.

"Dad! Where are we going exactly?" He asked Kuldeep on the breakfast table.

Kuldeep smiled at his enthusiasm.

"Nakul, have patience son, that's a surprise."

"Patience! Dad, you know Nakul can be anything but patient." Mayank mocked him.

Nakul frowned at his brother's remark and looked at his father who had a teasing smile on his lips.

"That's not true, Mayank. Nakul has been forbearing from the past two years for a trip that he so wanted to go as a family. He has been working hard in his academics which has been so fruitful for all of us." He grinned at his aunt who was defending him.
She was his favourite. His partner in crime. He was more exuberant because she was accompanying them.

"Yogita is right. My boy really earned this trip. He deserves it." Manyata pecked his cheek, making him cringe before she tossed another paratha on his plate.

Nakul groaned, "Mom! I can't eat more, please. No."

"You have gotten so weak darling, studying all the time. Please eat this one last or should I feed you from my hand?" He shook his head furiously while Mayank and Kuldeep were trying to stifle their amusement.

"No need! I'll finish this by myself but that's it." He compiled to his mother's command.

Manyata shrugged.

All of a sudden, the telephone started ringing and Kuldeep excused himself to answer the call.

"Mom! Atleast tell me, what should I pack for the trip?" Nakul asked.

"Pack anything you want but don't you dare put my stuff with yours like you did the last time we travelled." Mayank replied nonchalantly.

"Sorry Bhai but I'm taking those shoes." Nakul tee heed.

"Mom! Tell him."

"Stop it both of you. Eat your breakfast quietly. No discussions on the shoes." Manyata reprimanded them and glanced at her husband who looked worried.

Kuldeep rubbed his temples as he joined them.

"Is everything okay? Who was it?" She asked him.

"There's an important meeting on wednesday with the foreign delegates and there's no way we can make our trip to Cappadocia in two days. I just don't know what to do, Manyata. I had everything arranged. Our passports, visas, itinerary." Kuldeep whispered.

"Cappadocia. Hot air balloons! Dad, how did you know that I wanted to go there? Did bhai tell you?"

Kuldeep glanced at his youngest son who looked so thrilled, just to hear him mention about his favourite destination.
He didn't have the heart to break the promise he made to his son.

"Nakul, I.."

"It's okay. Dad, I'm just happy that you're spending some time with us. It doesn't matter about the place. We can go anywhere near and be back before your meeting, will it be okay then?" He uttered, interrupting him.

Mayank nodded.

Kuldeep was shocked at how maturely his son was behaving.
Nakul had always complained about little things he didn't like or didn't go in his favour but here, he just pulled off the burden from his father's shoulder without any sort of explanations.

Kuldeep ruffled his hair, "Yes it will be. You know, I'm so proud of you. Both of you and I'm also grateful to God that I got this great family who understands me. You all are very special to me."

Nakul beamed at him. "We know."

"Dad! You work so hard for us only. This is the least we could do for you beside scoring good marks in exams." Mayank said and they started hooting with laughter.

Kuldeep chuckled before eyeing his wife who had tears in her eyes.

He winked at her.
That was the man she loved so much and her kids who were acting like grown-ups, were so sensible.

Having her little life revolve around them was a paradise.

"But I truly intend to keep my promise. Next vacations, we're flying to Turkey no matter the cost." He bent on his knees and hugged his children.

"Okay!" They both chimed.

Yogita squeezed her sister's hand, "Now I know how he made his way in your tough heart, sis. He's everything you always wanted in a husband, didn't you?" She queried.

Manyata pursed her lips, "Yes he is. Things take time, Yogita. Even happiness does. One day, you'll also find yours." She told her.

Yogita wrapped her arms around her, "I'm already happy with you all around. For sure! One day, I want this too. A loving husband and kids. Lot's of them." She passed her a cheeky grin.

"You'll get it, baby sis." She patted her arm.

"What are you two talking about?" Nakul asked them, suddenly.

Yogita giggled, "About this trip. We don't have much time. Let's plan quickly and get going."

"Yes. Yes, let's discuss, Masi. How about Karjat?" Mayank asked.

"That's too close, Bhai." Nakul fussed.

"Kerala?" Yogita suggested.

"We can't make that in a two days trip. We need atleast five to six days."

"How about Mahabaleshwar then?" Mayank suggested.

"That will do. It's close." Nakul agreed.

"We can go to a resort in Mahabaleshwar."

"Yes, Masi. That's a good plan."

Manyata walked to her husband and slid her hand in his warm ones.

She gazed at him with adoration. "Our boys are becoming pragmatic like you, don't you think?"

He looked guilt-ridden.

"What happened?"

"I feel abashed. I'm sorry, love. I know you wanted a long vacation so badly." He apologized.

She shook her head and rested it on his shoulder, "I understand. Don't say sorry for no fault of yours. This is something which you can't neglect and I'm glad that we have at least some time to spend. Even a day with you is a prize for me and here we are having two days together. Infact, I'm getting a bonus!" She exclaimed making him laugh heartily.

"Yeah! Whatever you say, I'll be at your service, ma'am." He said.

She smiled gleefully, "That you'll be and I'll be the one who would make the most of it."


A small chapter on Manyata, Kuldeep and their family.
This was when Nakul was a carefree boy and his life before his father's demise.

I hope you liked the chapter.

FYI, I have been frequently updating Out Of Wreckage?
Do check out.
I want to complete that book as soon as I can.
I've been in a very tough phase last year and couldn't devote my time to writing.

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Until next time.


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