One Shot 8♡

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Summer vacation! It was Ambar's favorite phase of the year. A time to relax from work, eating all the cold ice creams which was her ultimate guilty pleasure, crazy pool parties with water to splash on her husband and most importantly family time. But this year was special and the most awaited one when they were all flying back to India for a very grand occasion.

It was the last day of the boys at school before they all could go back for the big celebration. Ambar had already submitted her leave application while Nakul was at the office for half day completing all his work.

Manyata returned home from the hospital and was helping Ambar in packing. She was not tensed about leaving Yogita alone as her friend and assistant Tyler was there to look after her sister in her absence. Even though Yogita didn't need that much of babysitting as her condition had improved alot since the time Nakul and Ambar had made frequent visits to her. Their presence was positively affecting Yogita as Manyata was able to see her sister talk and laugh just like the old times.

Ambar had created some sort of magic. Not only Ambar but Amrita too had captured everyone's heart.

Manyata considered herself lucky to have such an amazing daughters. Ambar had proved to be her left hand in every work she did. Infact, True to their words, both of her daughters in law had been an active part of the women cell, being responsible and contributing their best possible help.

Manyata glanced at Ambar who was stuffing her bag.

"Ambar, where are the gifts for everyone?" Manyata queried as Ambar zipped her purse.

"Mom, I have already stacked them in one suit case and it's in the boys room." She replied.

"And where's Nakul now? It's afternoon... Wasn't he supposed to be on a half day leave?" Manyata rubbed her temples.

"Mom I have asked him to pick kids up from school." She answered before packing her clothes in a neat pile.

"Good." Manyata smiled but her smile quickly faltered.

"Mom, what happened? You seem upset" Ambar acknowledged her gloomy face after few minutes.

"Oh nothing! I just remembered my time when Kuldeep was alive and how he used to pick up my boys after school and then we would either go for picnics or dinners. Sometimes, movies and trips. It was the best phase of my life." She mumbled remembering the time with her late husband.

Ambar felt the void she was feeling.

"Papa must be a good father and husband. I wish I had a chance to meet him." Ambar smiled sadly.

Manyata sniffed.

"Hmm.. Ambar even though I had been with him for only twelve years but it felt like I had spent a lifetime with him. He completed me and our family. I love him so much." Her eyes turned moist.

Ambar went silent. It was too melancholic.

Manyata briskly wiped her tears.

"Anyway I must reheat the food before my little munchkins arrive or they'll create a huge ruckus." She lastly giggled to cover up her sadness and stormed to the kitchen leaving Ambar to her thoughts.

Life had been too cruel for some. For years she had counted herself at some point of time in that category too. Even Nakul had done that for a very long time but not anymore.
His wife had broken his walls.

Ambar was too busy in her thoughts that she didn't realise when her sweet husband had entered their room with few small bags in his hands.

Nakul, being amused at his wife's expression, quietly dropped it on their bed and snaked his arms around her waist.

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