One Shot 7♡

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Ambar yawned again as she slumped on the couch. A mother's job is very tough especially when you have two toddlers to take care of.

With Nakul and Manyata around, Ambar was happy that she had so much less trouble but at times, the boys were so cranky and troublesome that they had brought Ambar to tears especially when nobody was around.

She wondered how some people even handle triplets or more babies all by themselves.
She definitely doesn't desire for more. Two is good and enough.
More than enough!

She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment but her peace didn't prevail for long.

Their cries got her attention and she ran to both of them.

A bad odour had filled the atmosphere.
Ambar quickly checked their diapers.

Utkarsh had pooped in his pants while Kshitij was crying unknown to her.
Maybe because of the foul smell.

She gently picked Utkarsh from the crib and wiped him before putting on a new diaper.

Utkarsh yawned in her arms while she smiled at him.

She disposed the old diaper in the trash can and cradled her baby till he was asleep. Kshitij on the other hand was staring at her, his eyes speaking volumes to get her attention.

She quietly placed Utkarsh in the crib and scooped Kshitij in her arms carefully. His big brown eyes mirrored hers. He blinked twice before letting a small smile appear on his face.

Ambar couldn't help but smile again. No matter what, her small family was her paradise.

Her little heaven turned into a hell in the very next minute.

Kshitij wailed loudly.

He was hungry she could tell. But she was also tired.
She glanced at the clock.
It was half past eight.

Where was Nakul?

He should have been early as per his promise to her.

She gently placed Kshitij on her lap and fed him.

After she had put him to sleep, she finally strolled towards her room not before turning the baby monitor on.

She reeked and desperately needed a bath.

She prepared herself for a warm bubble bath and enjoyed the comfort it gave her.

Picking up the towel from the rack, she covered herself and made her way to the closet.

While picking up her clothes, she eyed herself in the mirror before she realized that her body had changed drastically since she gave birth. She looked much older to her age.

It was shocking that how Nakul had been so ignorant of how she looked now.

He must have lied to her that she looked pretty to him.

Pretty was far from what she felt currently.

Before she could think further, she felt two hands wrapping her waist.

Nakul dipped his neck and planted trails of kisses on her bare shoulder.

"You smell divine." He whispered in her ears.

"And I look ugly." She said which made him stop.

"Who told you this?"

"I'm not blind. See I look like an auntie in comparison to you." She huffed.

He shook his head and smiled, "that's where you're wrong baby. You're no auntie."

"No, stop lying." She huffed

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