Chapter;who are you?

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There was a teenage looking boy, he was in a hospital gown and there were bandages all over him. His skin was so pale it was basically paper white. His black hair went down to the mid shoulder blades. I was confused on why he was here. He then started to laugh his cheeks tore open.
Backing up I was shocked. How was he not in pain. I stared in confusion and i watched as the door closed and the teen stood there and ended up staring at me. I froze up in the awkward situation. What was going on.
I was silent at first but then I asked "so why you here Kid?" He looked confused and just continued to stare into my eyes with intensity without blinking. He then said "I'm not a kid. I have a name ya know." Raising one of my eyes brows and I asked "so what's your name then?" "Jeff." I nodded and took that as a silent note. I closed my eyes leaned onto the wall and I then looked up at the ceiling to see all of the padding and I sighed quietly and stayed silent.
He then seemed to not understand I wanted silence because he then asked "what is your name?" "(Y/n)." He nodded and was silent again. I mentally smiled as I heard nothing once again and I then heard a loud bell. Like those annoying school bells. Looking at what caused the noise I saw a speaker. I looked at Jeff and then back at the speaker and said "hey, can you help me reach something." He nodded and I pointed to the speaker that caused the loud noise.
At first he was confused and I then asked "can you help my up and help me smash it?" He looked at me then at him and said "but your taller then me?" I then ignored him and picked him up. He was shocked first and then he saw that I. Was bringing him to the speaker. He was against it first then he realized I wasn't going to put him down.
So in turn he ended up smashing the speaker with his fist and it stopped making that noise as it died. It was satisfying that it was silent but it was also great how I didn't have extra weight on my shoulders anymore. I put him down and said "well, it's great that it is silent again. And now we don't have to hear it." Right? But then the sound came on again. But Jeff couldn't hear it from what I saw, so I rid it off as my own imagination. So it was best to ignore its sound once again.

To be continued.
So I said I would update every Tuesday. So here ya go. Hope you enjoy the story.
Peace out ~Tempy.

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