Chapter; day two begins

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After slenderman showed me to the room that was painted a shade of (f/c) I had fell asleep in the scary comfortable bed. Unlike the one in the asylum this one had thick blankets and soft pillows. But I have to say when I woke up I was scared of why I was comfortable and why I was in a place other then a white room. I guess I can continue from when I freaked out. Of course I can!
As I opened my eyes I went stiff. I had only ever been this comfortable after they injected something into me. If they did than I will choke them to death. I looked around and what I saw made me fall out of my bed. The walls were now the insanity inducing white. Instead a welcoming and beautiful shade of (f/c). I took a breath. I guess it was time for me to get up. Day one with no medication. And Jeff was going to witness the full wrath. But I will keep it under control.
Ok I might fight him if he wants, oh maybe I can go on a killing spree with him, no maybe I could talk to him about Lucy again. She hasn't really talked to me in a while. It was because of the medication they had forced me to take. But I was saying to be able to hear her slightly. 'Hello?!' I never really answer her but because of how long it's been I replied out loud "Lucy! I'm back!" I heard her giggle.
She found most of everything amusing or funny. But I tended to ignore her most of the time. So I got up and walked out stil in the clothes from yesterday. A bloody white tee-shirt and black jeans. (I hate jeans who else hate them?) I sighed as I walked downstairs. As I got to the bottom step the scent of waffles assaulted my nose, in a good way. I made my way to the kitchen and saw almost everyone there. A cup set in front of every plate and waffles on each plate. I sat next to Jeff, because I knew him the most, and whispered "jeff guess what?" He was confused, he looked at me and I said "Lucy is back!" He choked on a small piece of his waffle and I started to pat his back.
He took deep breaths and he then said "shit, the medication wore of that quick?!" I nodded and took a bite of waffle after swallowing the bite I said "I honestly missed her. She kept me company when you were asleep and when I was alone. She always told me stuff. And she helped me a lot in my time of need."
'No more talking.' Lucy had said. So the rest of breakfast I was silent. Trying to obey my little friend. After all, she was the reason I was counted as insane, a voice talking to me, and telling me to repeat almost everything I have done before saying that it's going to change that I needed to see it happen again to make sure. Silence had always happens during breakfast when I had an actual family it was our way of showing our love to each other, no giving headaches during the morning and when we just wake up. After all it was only the beginning of the day.

Hey people I know I haven't updated in forever but I was able to write this story today!!! And I guess I over did myself today, I wrote a lot of random stuff today and I wrote and finished this at 2: 50. Anyways have a good day!!!
Eligha out.

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