Chapter;the sound continues

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Today all I hear was that ringing sound. It played over and over in my head and I just laid there taking it. Jeff, I'm going to call him kid, continued to pace around the room. It seemed he was in deep thoughts.
I sighed and I looked out that small window and I just sat there. I then asked "so Jeff, you never answered me, why are you here?" He looked at me in confusion. But said nothing. I was slightly ticked off by the teen.
He seemed just on edge as I was. So I just let him be. I hated to admits this but he was kind of cute. He seemed so scary though...
Time skip
It has been years since Jeff and I were stuck in this place. I got to know more about him. The judge that seemed to hear about his case of him killing his family and thought he would be able to get fixed. While he learned that I was thrown in here for my hatred for people after my little sister died. Seemed that we were both understanding to each other.
Soon after being let outside I heard static, along with that fucking school bell. I didn't know why but I always went close to the forest. Soon, it stopped and Jeff started to do it instead. And then it stopped completely for him too.
Soon after hearing the bell for lunch to start I was tempted to break it again. But after breaking all of the replacements they implanted it into the wall. So when I was going to destroy it I was greeted by concert. So I just left it there. Leading me to be forever cursed with the sound of that thing.
So when we got to the cafeteria people looked at us in fear. I mean a girl who use to beat the living shit out of anyone and a crazy looking teenager who had killed a lot of people before coming here. Who wouldn't be. After all we worked together and we protected each other. So yeah. Who wouldn't have the slightest fear of us. After we ate we got to go out. And when we did I looked at the fence that divided the forest and the asylum.
It was all peaceful while it lasted. There he was again. That man that amused so much agony. And that static sound that made the ears bleed. Slender man.

To Be Continued...
Hi sorry for the chapter being late. I hope everyone had a happy fourth and no one had any family members that had hurt themselves or had flashbacks. Anyways here you go. I hoped you enjoyed the chapter.
Peace out~Tempy

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