Chapter; first day done.

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When we finally let go I then said "nighty, I have to get back now. I need to help Slenderman clean up the glass." He nodded and I left. Walking to the kitchen Jeff was sweeping up the ceramic from the ground. I instantly stole the broom from him and said "sit you butt down. This is my mess. I will clean it." He backed up and said "geez woman fine." He walked out of the kitchen.
Looking around there was no one. I sighed and elevated the pan from the ground with my foot and pushed the glass and dirt into the pan. Picking up the pan I then looked around for a trash can. And when I found it I then tossed it away. I heard a sigh from behind me and I turned around. Slenderman was standing in the door way. He 'looked' at me and said "(y/n) I was trying to prevent you from doing that." I glared at him and I then said "I made the mess I clean it." "Just go to the living room." I walked out and put the combined object against the wall and I then walked out to the living room.
Jeff looked at me and smirked. He then said "you got in trouble. Haha." I glared at him and I then said "shut up ya ass hat!" He snickered and said "oh come on, where are your insults? Earlier it was about dick waffles if i remember?" I scoffed at him and said "yeah, but there were no children around then."
He smirked and I then said "oh just stop looking at me like that you asshat." He rolled his eyes and I turned to leave. He then said "yeah your a bitch." That hit a nerve. I grabbed him by his hoodie and pushed him against the wall and said "if you want my to be a bitch I'll be a bitch."
He realized his mistake quickly and I could see the fear in his eyes. But I felt something, remorse. I let him go and turned around and said "just leave me alone for a bit. I need time to think. I am sorry." And I walked away quickly. I don't know what happened. I knew I had some mental issues but I had never had an outburst like that.
I was quick to go out side. But what shocked me was when I saw I wasn't alone. I saw laughing jack. He looked at me confused and asked "(y/n) what are you doing out here?" I smiled at him softly and said "needed to clear my head. I haven't snapped like that in forever." He looked me up and down and sighed.
He then said "you must have a lot on your mind if you snapped." I nodded and said "yeah, you know a lot happened today." He looked at me he nodded and I then said "found out my brother is alive, I got out of the mental asylum, I realized how much I actually know about Jeff, I even helped my brother come out. I guess it was too much."
He nodded and said "it would be too much for me. I suggest you go and get some sleep. Slender will show you to your room." I nodded and walked inside after saying "L.J." "Yes (y/n)." "Thank you."

Guess what everyone I am back! So I have been writing a Bnha book. Because I had just binge watched it. And now I have decided to continue to write this again so I am back but it might be slow. Weekly if I can. So yeah no set schedule. Just maybe weekly.

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