Chapter; a talk of past issues

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When I walked in slenderman was in the kitchen, he was watching something on the stove. Walking in I looked at him. He just looked at me and said "(Y/n). I want to ask you a question." Nodding I looked him in he face "ask away." I just uttered out. "Why were you exactly put into that asylum." That made me freeze up. Shuddering at the memories. Taking a deep breath I said "it's a long story. Let's sit down for it. I can't stand of thinking about it." He nodded and we sat at the table my across from him. I took a deep breath and looked at him.
"When I was younger my brother and I were never accepted. I wasn't because I stayed around my little brother, protecting, loving, and giving him the care that he needed. I could of lived a normal life, have friend, have a boyfriend, heck maybe even a girlfriend. But people avoided me like I was the plague.
Soon the kids from school found our house. They wanted my little brother dead. They called him many things, tranny, faggot, a white cupcake. Many more to follow those. What ever the could think of. I smelled something off when I got home with him. It smelled of gasoline. I should of known. The stench that I smelled I thought that my father might of accidentally spilled some lighter fluid when going to barbecue but we didn't have any barbecue that night.
We went to sleep after dinner. It was normal, my brother faking to be female for my parents. Having a nice chat about school, anything they could pry out of us. I finished early. And went to watch a movie. Nightmare, as he preceded to be called, joined me but after a bit he got tired. He went to his room and went to bed. While I stayed out there to finish the movie. Soon enough I fell asleep on the couch and woke up to being overly hot and sweaty.
I saw red, orange, yellow, flames were covering my house. My mother and father were trying to leave without Nightmare. But I tried to get him. I almost reached him, but before I could move the rubble in front of his door and kick it down I was pulled out with the piece of rubble in my hands. I got angry and hit my mother, and tried to run to free him. But I was getting pulled again. So I tossed the thing I was holding and the door broke. The sight I saw.
His room full of fire. He was nowhere to to be found. I felt so heart broken. We waited outside as the fire was put out, the firefighter had searched while the fire was still going, no luck. When they told me that my brother, the one I raised as my own child, wasn't there I was heart broken. I was so angry and sad that I was shouting, yelling, screaming at my parents for not taking care of him. I told them it was their fault that he was gone. Their fault for not letting him being himself. I was shoved into a police car and taken off. I remember a needle getting stabbed into my arm and then passing out. Next thing I knew I was in the asylum."
Looking at slenderman he nodded. Like he could understand a little more about what had happened. He looked me up and down and said "it makes sense. It's like sally. When she killed her parents I took her in, raised her. If I lost her everyone and everything would be gone. You raised him ever science he was a baby. And you accepted him. So of course you would kill anyone to get him back." I nodded I guess that this had addressed the talk we needed it was only, a talk of past issues.
Ok so I have been having a slight bit of issues lately but guess what no more school. That means I can update more!!!! Anyways have a lovely day!!!!!
Eligha out!

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