Chapter;metting the rest of the family

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A/n if you don't know (n/n) mean nickname
The game was fun. But I could tell that BEN was cheating. He was winning the whole time. And Jeff, he was raging. I was just calm as BEN won against me once again. I then placed the controller down and I said "I quit. I don't want to break your controller or hurt someone." I got up and left them going to the kitchen.
In there was 3 men, 2 female, and a dog.
I was confused at first but then I saw slender. He turned his head so that he was looking at me and he then said "oh, (y/n) your in here. I thought you were playing games with BEN?" I shook my head and said "I ended up rage quitting before breaking something." He nodded as I stood there.
I heard a kettle whistle and even after he opened it I shook my head slightly and he came over and gave me a cup of tea and I cocked and eye brow and he said "it's camomile and lavender. It helps to relax you." I nodded taking a sip it burnt my tongue slightly. I ignored it as I saw the others looking at me and they were confused and I decided I finally needed to introduce my self.
I then placed my cup on the table and I then said "let me introduce myself. I'm (y/n) I have multiple things wrong with my head. But that doesn't stop me from thinking straight. I'm pretty sure that all us have something wrong with our head but I was brought here with promise my sister was here. And that I would be able to see her again." They nodded and I picked up the tea again and just as I was about to take a sip someone tackled me from behind.
I landed on the ground the cup smashing under me and hot tea getting all over the white shirt I had on and blood seeped through. I winced in pain and I heard a voice that I have heard before say the nick name I haven't heard in forever. "(N/n)!"
So this is the end of this chapter. So yeah. Sorry that it's early. It ended up to the point I had to put it out early. I'm being nagged all the time so sorry that it is early but I hoped you enjoyed it.
Peace out~ Tempy.

jeff the killer x insane readerWhere stories live. Discover now