Chapter 1~Cross Academy~ The Night Class

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Yumi's P.O.V

I opened my eyes I and noticed I was in a room but the lights were on and I knew someone was in here. "You've woken up, are you alright?" It was Yuuki.

I followed her to a room where I think was the headmaster's office. I saw a man with glasses and somehow he knew my name straight away, even though I've never seen him in my life.

"Yumi Koyama!! You are finally here!" He held up a black uniform matching to what Yuuki was wearing and told me I was in the 'Day Class'. I put the uniform on and Yuuki told me I looked perfect. I didn't like it cause the skirt was soooo short, only 10cm was showing under, did I mention I'm not a girly girl?! Well I don't own any skirts or dresses so...

Headmaster instructed Yuuki and that other guy to take me on a tour around the school. He told Yuuki and Zero it was a day off for them. Yuuki beckoned me and showed me around while that guy with silver hair just followed behind quietly.

I turned to Yuuki and asked "Why is that silver guy not saying anything? Why is he just following behind?" Yuuki laughed and said "You mean Zero? Well he's got a bit of an attitude and doesn't really talk to girls." I took a glance at him but turned around when he looked at me, I think I was blushing? Hey, I'm not good with guys.

The tour went on and on for what seemed like hours. "Yuuki how long do we have left of this tour?" I asked giving her my tired 'look' she chuckled and replied "Yumi? It's only been three minutes into this tour! Haha we will go to the library first!"

5 seconds later...

"Are we done yet?" I sighed I could see Yuuki was annoyed so I whipped out my iPod and earphones and put it on. I looked back at Yuuki, I could see she was trying to say something but I just ignored her and put on the song Overfly by Amanda Lee.

I started singing it forgetting I was at school "Hands up high, raise them high, and cast your worries to the sky..." That silver haired boy, I mean Zero snatched my iPod and earphones away as I raged and screamed "Hey you, give that back!".

I stared at Yuuki and she was chuckling and said "What a good voice you have, please focus on this tour then you can sing all you want with your iPod after." I gave her my puppy eyes and sulked "But I want it back at least, I promise I'll be good on the tour." She sighed and told Zero to give it back.

The tour has finally finished, I walked with Yuuki to my dorm since I was sharing with her. I saw her go somewhere as she put on a badge, I was going to ask where she was going but she had totally disappeared.

I saw Yuuki come back and I was going to ask her but all of a sudden I heard a knock on the door, Yuuki and I turned around and stared, we were half dressed... "Who is it?" I yelled. "It's me, headmaster! Hurry up and come have dinner!"

I pulled up my black leggings and a blue top with a black cardigan over the top. I stared back at Yuuki, she was wearing a black, short skirt with a long-sleeved white shirt.

I looked at her and asked "Your wearing that?" She stared back at me and asked "Is there something wrong with what I'm wearing? I laughed "Uhh no, it's just I'm not particularly someone who owns a skirt, my wardrobe is mostly black and blue (my favourite colours) and they are made up of leggings, tops and jackets... Besides the school uniform"

We walked together to the dinner table, I saw something I thought I would never see. Zero was cooking!? I couldn't hold it in and... "Hahahahahahahahah, Zero you cook?" I laughed and laughed rolling on the floor, I had gone crazy!

He glared at me and shouted "Is there something wrong with me cooking?" I shook my head and stood up. I sat next to Yuuki in front of headmaster, I bet someone hates me now... I looked down at my plate "Ooh spaghetti!! Yumm."

Then I put on another song and ate while listening to music, I didn't sing along so no one noticed I was until someone actually try to talk to me. I took out one earphone and realised headmaster was trying to say something.

"Yumi, don't wonder around at night, Yuuki and Zero will not be back until late so you must stay in your dorm." That reminded me and I asked "Oh, hey Yuuki, where did you go earlier?"

She look at me confused but then said "Oh, earlier? Me and Zero are part of the disciplinary committee and we do a few things to look after the school, you know those people with white uniforms right? Yeah we..."

She broke off as Zero groaned "Don't go to far... She doesn't know after all." I yelled "Know what? Are you hiding something from me?" With that I left the table and ran back to my dorm.

I lay down on my bed thinking about what just happened. Why is it only the two of them?! I looked outside the window and saw Yuuki and Zero, they were patrolling the school, at night? I jumped out the window onto a tree and followed them around quietly.

I saw two day class girls with cameras, I leapt to a tree above them and that's when I saw Yuuki jumping to the same tree. The tree wobbled, I lost my balance and --------------------- I fell down, in front of the girls.

One of them said "Wait, you're that new girl, Yumi was it?" The other girl nodded, "Yeah, why are you here? Oh no! Are you hurt?!"

They looked down at me, shocked... I was bleeding and I was in pain. Yuuki rushed to me, she told the girls to go back to their dorms because it was dangerous, she looked back at me trying to help me up "Oh no your bleeding, blood is bad, very bad!"

She huffed and puffed quickly and told me off for going out late at night. All of a sudden two boys in white uniforms appeared from no where.

Yuuki yelled "Aido-Senpai, Kain-Senpai, what are you doing here?" She pulled out a stick out of no where and held it up in front of me.

The one with blonde hair smirked "Yuuki, you know why we are here... We sensed the scent of blood...Yuuki you're so mean" His eyes turned red staring directly at me. He came towards me and held my hand where it was bleeding continuously.

He opened his mouth revealing fangs!!!!? He bit into my hand... Yuuki was trying to pull him away and I saw Zero holding up a gun... Everything was blurry, I felt dizzy. BANG!!! The last thing I heard before everything turned black...

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