Extra- 16th Birthday

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This is an extra, probably set a few days before I actually published chapter 14, Enjoy! Oh btw thanks for 2K reads!!! Love you all ❤️

~ vampireknightyuki

Yumi's P.O.V

I woke up extra early, it's finally my 16th Birthday! Hopefully headmaster will see how childish I WON'T act anymore, can't he see? Ok ok I act childish on purpose... It's my kawaii-ness!

I snuck into the kitchen and headed for the fridge, last night I had a dream where everyone got my the biggest cake in the world!

I recalled the memories of my 14th birthday, that panda cake was soooo kawaii but I'm so over pandas.... Okaiiiii I'm not I still luv pandas! I looked down to my wrist, I wore two bracelets, the moon one Zero gave me on my 14th and the one to tame him. So pretty together... Ok now for the cake!

"Happy Birthday!" What... They woke up earlier than me. *Cries fake anime tears* "Why are you crying?" Yuuki asked. "Y-you... Woke up earlier than me! I was going to have an alone happy birthday feast!..." I stuttered and sobbed between anime tears. "Still childish as I see..." Headmaster teased. "Do you think I should become an actor one day?!?! Headmaster, I'm 16!!!!!!" I joked as my anime tears disappear into flowers!

Wait... Flowers?

"So... Where's the cake?" I asked casually. Yuuki gave me one of those evil anime glares/smirks and answered "We didn't get you a cake..." What?!?! My life ruined........... "We got you an ice cream cake!!" And then her face went all innocent and cheerful.

"Okaiiii then... Where the cake?!?" I asked innocently. "Impatient as ever...." Headmaster teased, again! "I agree..." Zero and Ichiru chimed. "Twins! What are you doing here?" I turned around and found... The whole crew here, well... Not the WHOLE crew cause Sensei isn't here but here's whose here:

Yuuki, Zero, Ichiru, Takuma, Senri, Rima, Akatsuki, Aido I mean idiot, Kaname and Ruka who looked annoyed as ever, what's with her? "Um... What's everyone doing here?" I asked.

"For the cake... And we also have another surprise for you." Takuma explained.

"We've planned a sleepover with the whole crew. Excluding the adults!" Ichiru continued, headmaster cried fake anime tears.

"So where's the sleepover?!?" I asked, "Night class dorms." Kaname explained. "Night class dorms?.. Zero are you ok with that?" I asked, he nodded "Just this one time, since it's your birthday." Back to his old cold self, just the way I like it! :P

"Sleepover time~ wait I need to pack and bring food and..." I started panicking. "Umm you don't need to pack anything and plus it's still morning." Senri laughed.

"So what will we be doing?" I asked impatiently. "We have all decided to have another trip to town." Ruka said smiling. OMG THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I'VE SEEN HER SMILE!!!!! "We also have another surprise for you too." Rima added.

At town~

At town a million people were staring at us, I guess it was because we were such a large group, or... "OMG it's Idol-Senpai from Cross Academy! Why are the night class here? Wild-Senpai!!" I knew it, the night class are really that famous.

"Yumi, where do you want to go?" Akatsuki asked, I looked around "Um that sweet shop over there?" I pointed to the shop sign that read 'Maid Latte' (Can you guess what anime this is from?!) "I never had the chance to go there." I said. Everyone nodded and we headed over to the store.

When we reached the store everyone entered, except for Zero. "Zero? Are you coming in?" I asked. "Um yea." He replied. "Hey Yumi what's your favourite sweet?" Yuuki asked, "I love all sweets! But maybe the strawberry tart." I answered.

"Aido will get it for you." Kaname said looking over towards Aido. "What why me! Who wants to celebrate her birthday anyway?" Aido complained. "Because your the only one who haven't said anything to her." Ichiru pointed out.

"Fine!" He said as he took ALL our orders. Mwahahaha Kaname can be quite helpful sometimes. We all sat at one large table and started talking, suddenly everyone brought out wrapped gifts. "Huh?" I was confused. "What's all this?"

"Hey, happy birthday Yumi!" I turned towards the voice, "Misa!" I exclaimed, she was wearing an apron and was holding all our orders. "Huh you're a maid?" I asked surprised. "Can you keep a secret?" She asked while giving me a wink. (Now can you guess the anime?!)

Suddenly everyone gave me their gifts. "Um guys I don't need this much, I mean it's just my birthday..." Everyone smiled "Isn't it your sweet 16th?"

"OMG Arigatou minna-san!!!" Here is a list of what they got me

Yuuki: A vampire Neko plushie thing

Kaname: a Rose pen

Takuma: OMG a whole manga series and there's more but he won't tell me

Akatsuki: fire crystal that glows at night

Aido: a glare! And an ice crystal

Senri & Rima: a surprise to come

Ruka: a smile

Twins: a kiss! Kawaiiiiiii

Waaaa feel so spoilt! Wait.. Most of these guys are vampires, they don't seem like vampires at all...

10 minutes later~

After we had finished eating Senri and Rima said they had a surprise for me so they blindfolded me. Suddenly someone picked my up bridal style as I squirmed. "Let me go!" I said between giggles. "Not until we get there" the voice said, "Zero? I know it's you! Put me down!"

A few minutes later he put me down and took off my blindfold. She I opened my eyes I realised we were at a studio? "Where are we..." I looked around and saw Rima and Senri changed into their 'modelling clothes'. "This is our surprise, you're gonna be part of our photo shoot today." Rima exclaimed.

"OOOOOH arigatouuuuu!"

After photo shoot~

"OMG look at the time." Yuuki exclaimed.

"Hey let's have our sleepover now." Takuma smiled.

Everyone nodded as we headed back to the academy.

When we returned to the academy, we headed for the night class dorms. Kaname opened the door as everyone stepped in "Hey? This is what you call a dorm? It's more like a aristocrat's manor!" I said staring around. "We will be sleeping in Takuma and Senri's dorm since it's the biggest excluding Kaname's" Ruka explained.

We all nodded and stepped into the dorm, "OMG Takuma which one's your bed?" I asked excitedly. Takuma pointed to the one of the right as I quickly rushed on to it and started jumping wildly. Everyone looked at me *with those anime eyes when everyone's like huh?* and some gave me face palms.

"Wait today's Saturday right... And it's 12:30am right?" I asked trying to change the subject. Akatsuki nodded and asked "Why?" I smiled and started going crazy again "OMG the new episode of Gun Gale Online// Sword Art Online 2 is coming out in 15 minutes!" (Random anime I'm watching at the moment)

"Do you want to watch it?" Aido asked annoyed, "Yasssssss!" I exclaimed


"Whoo it left so much suspense! Another week until... It... Comes... Out" but I found everyone asleep. Everyone except Zero. He came over to me and whispered "Meet me outside." And he left.

I stood up quietly and opened the door and found Zero leaning against the wall. "Yes?" I asked, he looked up and walked slowly towards me. "Happy Birthday, Yumi..." with that he placed his lips on top of mine. I felt a blush forming but I just wrapped my arms around his neck.

He slowly made his way down to my neck, then I felt his fangs slowly sinking into my pale neck. I gasped quietly but let him continue. "Wait... There are vampires right inside the dorm beside us!" I whispered. He pulled his fangs out and gave me one last kiss.

I went back into the dorm and found everyone awake. "Since when did you start dating?" Everyone asked. "Huh?" But that's when I realised I was holding Zero's hand. I quickly let go and blurted out "We're not dating!"

End of chapter. I hoped you enjoyed it!

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