Chapter 4~ Forming Friends

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Yumi's P.O.V

"I'm hungry Yuuki, wanna go to that ice cream shop?" I said pointing over to the shop across the road. Yuuki nodded and we turned around to Zero, he sighed and said "Whatever." In my head I thought, what's with that voice? Always plain, completely different from Ichiru.

We arrived at the shop and the waitress came to take our orders. Yuuki ordered a double chocolate coated ice cream, I had a vanilla swirl while Zero had nothing. "I'm not a fan of sweet things." He said in his plain voice again.

Our ice creams arrived, I smiled and whispered to Yuuki, "I have a plan...." Yuuki nodded and smiled. I turned to Zero and said "Hey Zero, open up" once he turned around, I stuffed a spoon of my ice cream into his mouth. I gave him my angelic, sweet smile and he stared at me, there was no angry emotion, he just stared at me. I asked him "How was that? Yum? Yuck?" He replied "I told you I'm not a fan of sweets, but it's ok I guess" I just smiled and blushed while he turned away. Then out of no where, a waitress appeared and asked "Are you guys from Cross Academy? Aidou normally comes here to eat some of our ice cream..." She went on and on... Zero stood up and told Yuuki and I that he was going to wait outside for us. Yuuki nodded and then asked me, "Who are you going to the dance with?" I stared at her. "I have no idea, we have to go to the dance with a 'date' right... Haha I'll go with you!?" Yuuki laughed and said "I wish, silly Yumi, I mean a boy." I blushed and said "Like anyone would wanna go with me..." Then Yuuki got all serious. "You've got a crush on him don't ya!?" I told her to shut up as I blushed even more, not realising Zero headed back in to were we were. "What's all this commotion about?! What did I miss?" Zero asked. I was trying to think of another excuse and blurted out "Oh, one more thing, can visit that shop over there?" I asked pointing to the shop that sold animes and mangas, I'm also into reading, watching and writing so... He nodded so Yuuki and I walked out the door.

I entered the shop and looked around, I saw a stand that read 'Top mangas and animes of the month!" I rushed over to it to see Vampire Knight!! (😂😂) my favourite manga! I've always loved it but never believed vampires were actually real... I have the whole collection except for the last volume, volume 19... The last volume ever!! My fav volume was 18... I'm going too far... Aha "OMG!! KYA!! The last volume ever!!" Oops, I yelled it out without thinking.

I sighed, I can't ask Zero for money again, I already feel bad for making him pay $100 on our dresses. I turned to Yuuki, "Actually never mind, I think it's quite expensive." I said trying to hide my disappointment, it was $10.99 though, that's a lot of money I guess? Haha. Yuuki stared at me "Are you sure? We might not ever come back again."

Zero's P.O.V

I realised Yumi was a bit disappointed when we were about to leave, I saw her looking at a manga called, Vampire Knight?! Why would she want... Never mind, I think she really wanted it badly so I said that I would be right back and rushed to get it for her.

Wait why would I get it for her...

Yumi's P.O.V

I turned when I heard Zero's voice and I saw him rush back into the shop. I sighed, I regretted not asking for it but... Yuuki asked me, "So about before, do you like him?" I didn't hear until she started tapping me arm, "Oh sorry, I don't know, how about you?" She blushed "I like Kaname, but Zero's a good friend." I tried changing the subject abut I made it worse, "If you could chose a boy to go to the dance with, who would you choose?" Yuuki looked at me with a perplexed face, "It's all a bit of a sudden but I'd choose Kaname or Zero," she blushed.

All of a sudden, Zero returned with a bag, he gave it to me smiling "I know you wanted it, you could of said so." I blushed and whispered "Thank you, Zero." and I hugged him, I swear I saw him blush. With that we all walked back to school. We parted, Zero went to the boys dorm while Yuuki and I walked to the girls dorm. We passed the night class' boys dorm, I accidentally dropped my manga while reading it, yes I started reading it...

I reached down to pick it but realised someone did it for me, it was a handsome boy with blonde hair and green eyes. "Hey I'm Takuma Ichijo, you read mangas too? What's your fav? Wait OMG this is the last volume!" I smiled and replied "Thanks, I'm Yumi, my all time favourite is Vampire Knight haha, but I never thought they'd actually exist, you're one aren't you?" We had a little chat, he seemed like a nice vampire, different from others, I guess he was the only friend I had from the night class.

"We should head back now," I heard Yuuki's voice call. I waved goodbye to Takuma and nodded to Yuuki, we walked back to our dorm, put our uniform on and started patrolling.

What a day!

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