rainy days w them

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-he HATES it when it rains because it reminds him of the day georgie went missing
-you try your best to distract him with movies but he's just really upset
-you comfort him by cuddling with him and playing with his hair

-you lay in his room and just cuddle and listen to the rain hitting the windows
-you go outside and mess around but oops it ended up in a makeout session in the rain
-honestly what did you expect

-you try to make him go outside with you but he legit won't
-claims that you will both get pneumonia
-so you just get a super fluffy blanket and cuddle and watch tv for the day

-you guys sleep in super late and you only wake up because you're hungry.
-you decide to rent a few movies
-you spend the whole day watching movies and eating junk food

-wow i love this boy
-you both go outside and he turns on the radio and you dance in the rain
-sweet little kisses every now and then
-picks you up and carries you over his shoulder literally just because he can

-did you really think i was gonna talk about the library? well you were wrong. never judge a book by its cover.
-lol jk you went to the library
-you picked out books for each other to read
-you went back to his house and he read to you

-kinda like mike but literally 100 times more intense
-you play music really loud and scream the lyrics and dance around
-you stayed outside in the rain so long that you both ended up getting sick
-it was worth t though;)

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