do they drink/smoke

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-he'll drink sometimes at parties but never gets really drunk
-he used richies vape like twice
-"that burned"
-he smokes cigarettes sometimes but not a lot

-isn't an alcoholic or anything, but he does get pretty wasted at parties
-smokes cigarettes with you all the time
-has a vape and thinks he's the coolest(update:he's not)

- no
-his mom has made it engraved in his brain that smoking and drinking is bad, so he would never
-actually one time when you and the rest off he losers were drinking he had a little
-he felt really guilty after

-has gotten drunk a couple of times but nothing to bad
-doesn't smoke
-has juuled multiple times, but he only likes the mango flavor

-drinks with you and the losers sometimes but never gets drunk
-he's usually is the one out of all of you to not drink so he can drive you all home
-doesn't smoke and doesn't vape

-is like eddie
-only tried alcohol once when he was with you
-has vaped once

-she smoke cigarettes
-doesn't like drinking because she doesn't wanna end up like her dad
-has a vape pen
-but only likes the strawberry flavor

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