what they get you for your birthday

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-one of his flannels
-a fluffy blanket
-a bracelet

-a necklace
-one of his Hawaiian shirts
-a framed picture of you two

-beverly helped him pick out some makeup for you
-a bracelet with his name on it
-one of those pictures where it shows the stars the night you met

-a really pretty locket necklace with a picture of you two in it
-sunglasses? idk he just saw them and thought you'd like them
-a TON of records
-a polaroid

- a promise ring:,)
- a love letter
- one of his comfy sweatshirts
- a big stuffed animal of your favorite animal

-a scrapbook of all of the Polaroids you two had taken
-shoes you had wanted
-books that you really wanted and always talked about
-a necklace with a crescent moon on it

-generally just stuff you always talk about/want

it preferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora