what they do during the projector scene

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^^theres the projector scene

so this is like if you were there

-he's to busy talking and worrying about georgie to think about what you're doing
-smh bill how dare you think about anyone other than me
-jk i don't blame him
-but when they open the garage door and he sees you on the floor crying he immediately runs over to you
-he holds you and let's you cry into him
-it makes him OUTRAGED to see what this god damn clown is doing to you
-"w-we've gotta k-k-kill this fucking clown."

-you're sitting on his lap
-when the projector starts goin crazy he just wraps his arm a little tighter around your waist
-you're #scared so you start squirming and stand up
-that's when he grabs you and you both start screaming "wHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?"
-when pennyboy popped out the wall you fell into him
-from behind, he puts his arms around your waist, picks you up, and pulls you away from the wall

-you were sitting by him, so when he started wheezing you rubbed his back and just whispered "it's okay eddie, just breathe. breathe eddie, come on"
-when he stood up and tore the map down and started yelling, you stood up and grabbed his wrists
-"eddie listen to me. it's ok."
-then the projector starts going wild and you know what? it's not ok.
-you cling onto each other and just scream lol

-his absolute first thought when anything ever goes wrong is "where is y/n and is she okay"
-when the projector starts going crazy he grabs your arm just so he can be reassured that you're next to him and that you're ok
-as you can see in the video, stan is a stupid bitch and stands right by pennywise when he comes out
-you grabbed his hand and pulled him away
-you'd think he'd know better

-right when he senses something is wrong he puts a hand on your back
-you started crying because idk man you were fuckin scared of pennywise and now he's possessing this projector
-he took one look at you crying and kicked the projector over
-when the whole room went black, he thought it was over so he began to hug you, but then pennywise popped out😔👊🏼
-his arms were kinda already around you, so when he saw pennywise pop out the wall, he put his arms completely around you and kinda like shielded you from him
-idk about you but i would get attacked by pennywise if it meant michael hanlon would put his arms around me👀

-he had his arm around your shoulder
-when the projector was going off you whispered "ben i-i don't wanna be here."
-he is the first to say "bill turn it off."
-he's the one who kicks the projector over, simply because his girlfriend doesn't want to be there🤷🏼‍♀️
-after it's all over, you're both all out of breath and he hugs you for like 2 minutes

-you're holding her hand during the whole projector thing and you're literally just both screaming "TURN IT OFF"
-ok so in the video, you see how pennywise kinda like targets her in the corner?
-you're across the garage and there's really nothing you can do to help her except scream her name
-when they open the garage door, you fall into each other and just cry and hug

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