I Will Take Your Breath Away...

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A/N - A Looong double chapter for you guys! God I love all of you crazed Jalex fans! Leave a comment to tell me what you think! Or any ideas for the next chapter? What'd do you think will happen? :D


Zacky P.O.V

I can't believe it. Alex believed Jack after everything I told him. What an idiot. Ugh.

Though Jacks paying for my bad deeds, so that's all good right? I can sit and relax at home, be with my band, probably get Alex back if my persuading skills work.

A knock at the door shocked me for a moment as I froze. Sitting still, snapping out of my daze I reluctantly got up to answer it, there stood Rian, Zach, Joey, Brian and Chris.

Uhm...what the hell's up with them?


Brian's P.O.V (He hasnt had much action in :o okay? Get to know him before he...uhm...stuffimalicious happens)

I couldn't quite manage to completely believe what Rian and Zach were saying when we met up with them.

Why the fuck would Zacky do that? Put Alex in hospital, blame it on Jack? Worse than that, Jacks suffering in prison now, Alex has amnesia but is currently on the stage of regaining his memories...It's too much to take in.

In all honesty, I just felt ashamed, ashamed of not knowing what kind of person Zacky was, ashamed of being one of his close friends who didn't even know shit about his true self.

But yet part of me quite didn't believe the fact Zacky could do all this.

I mean-he dated Jack, he claims to love Alex, so why would he do that?

Chris and Joey are closer to All Time Low sure but I need certain proof. I'm not the type of person who goes with things because their friends do. I need proof for myself.

Call me stubborn, but I don't believe things unless they're right in front of me, surely Zacky has temper sometimes but hey, everyone has their flaws. And I don't think he'd ever go so far as attacking his boyfriend and blaming it on one of his exes.

Or would he?

Zacky seemed shocked as he opened the door to see a bunch of pissed off faces, well, I'm not really pissed off, I just have that face. Like Kristen Stewart .Heh. Lucky me.

"W-what are you guys doing here? And why the hell are you all so pissed off?" He asked, gesturing us to come in as we did so.

"Well why don't we just talk about this in the living room," Chris spoke up, Zacky nodded and lead the way.


Slouching back on the couch I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration as the 'talk' began to heat up and peoples voices began to rise, higher...and higher...until they were full on yelling.

"Okay I'm getting straight to it. Why the FUCKING FUCK did you hurt Alex. On top of that FRAME JACK." Rian jumped up from the couch, fist raised, ready to punch Zacky.

"Rian, stop it." Joey urged.

"Woah man chill the hell out," Zacky laughed, which made Rian angrier, he growled, which made Zach stand up and hold him back.

I shook my head and sighed.

"Look, if you can't talk like civilised people then fuck it. What are we doing wasting our time here when some people can't even control themselves! I'm not even a part of this! Neither am I interested! " I sighed in frustration as I got up to leave.

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