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I hope you look for me in every sunset that you see. I know you remember how excited I got everytime I saw one and I'd always make you stop and let me take a picture. I hope you remember that.

I hope you look for me everytime you pass by my job and see my car everyday on your way to work.

I hope you look for me everytime you want something sweet at 2am, so you'd roll over and ask me to come to sonic with you and I'd always order the same cookie dough shake.

I hope you look for me everytime you play your game and remember how I would always lay beside you and listen to music.

I hope you look for me everytime you play "Promises" and remember how we use to make love to it for hours at a time.

I hope you look for me everytime you look in the mirror and see your reflection and look deep into your eyes to see regret written all over them.

I just hope you look for me in every little thing you do.

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