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I think the hardest part about growing up for me, is I'm the adult I told myself I'd never be. 

I do things I swore I'd never be a part of. 

I laugh a different way. 

I talk a different way. 

I'm a completely different person. 

I wasn't raised to do such things, to judge people, to be that sinful person. 

We're all human.

We all make mistakes. 

We all sin. 

But I use that as an excuse to make horrible decisions and be okay with them. 

I mean, that's what we all do right?

We all sacrifice who we really are, who we really need to be, for this world. 

To be a people- pleaser

All for a universe that's just going to go up in flames in the end. 

I want to be the change. 

I NEED to be the change.

I want to be the person you're actually proud of. 

It starts with me. 

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