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June 11 2019

One year.

One year since I've heard your voice.

One year since I've seen your face.

One year since I've listened to your beautiful laugh.

One year since I've lost you.

They say that the healing process for losing someone gets easier as time passes but I don't believe this to be true.

Yes you can get more accustomed to their presences no longer being around but you never truly heal from losing someone who meant the world to you.

Losing you was one of the hardest things I've had to undergo and still is...

I know that everyone has limited time on this earth and everyone has to leave at some point but until it's someone that you're close to, the reality of it all doesn't sink in.

You were my favorite person.

I called you when I needed to talk, cry, scream, laugh, hear words of wisdom, or to just simply here your voice..

You were always there.

No matter what was going on in my life or yours, you were always there.

And now you're not and you never will be again.

That's the harsh truth of death I guess...

So I hope you're flying high with the angels and singing songs of joy and seeing all your loved ones again as you dreamed of doing for so long.

But me down here?

I'll be singing songs of sadness and grieving your loss today and hoping for just a little bit of sunshine in this dark hole of despair that I'm in.

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