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What most people search a lifetime for, 

I've found in you. 

It's in the way you smile, brightening a whole room with just a slick turn of the lips, leaving my heart fluttering. 

You're so self-conscious of your smile, but I honestly think it's the most beautiful thing about you. 

It's in the way you laugh, covering your mouth, trying so hard to conceal the most charming sound in the world. 

Why cover the one sound I hope to listen to for the rest of my life?

It's the way the sun hits your eyes a certain way on those rare days, and the rays bring out that stunning color of chestnut.

If only you could see yourself through my eyes. 

It's in the way you touch my skin, but also touch my heart at the same time. 

It's in the way you play around with me, tickling me until I'm breathless, I'm begging you to stop but knowing deep down that I truly never want you to. 

I never want you to stop loving me. 

I promise I'll never stop loving you either.

What most people search a lifetime for, 

I've found in you.

The Diary of HerWhere stories live. Discover now