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This is an (A/N).

So, I was basically watching some Spiderman shit with by siblings (I'm a Fan of spidy!)
When I took a closer look on his costume...
"Sis WTF??"-bro

So I asked one of my friends who ALSO likes tomtord and she said it wasn't cool, it was Awesame!
I really appreciate if anyone already had this idea,or somewhere..
I searched this AU on wattpad but eh, there was none.
So I thought, why don't I Try this out?
Aaaand there you have it!!
A tomtord Spiderman AU

Edit:Oh and I almost forgot to mention that, there might be some changes through this story. To be exact, it won't go as the original one in the movies /comics. Some may stay the same.

An important note to just let you know:

I'm only shipping the fictional charecters , Tom and tord. So do the others. Also, I'm Not going to use their REAL last Names, I mean seriously, we should respect Them.
Which means, I will Change their Last names so just keep in mind that again, I'm shipping the fiction charecters.
All Eddsworld charecters in this story belong to Edward Gould , but some maybe included by me too.
Thank you again!

[P. S:Comment down below if anyone's excited about the new Spiderverse moive!?]

Nerd, but a hero. [Tomtord/Spiderman AU]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя