sneak out

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Hyungwon pov
I want to see Wonho so bad but if I ask Mark I know he will say no so why bother asking him. Maybe I should just walk out the front door without him noticing. So I walk downstairs I see Mark on the couch kissing some other guy and than my heart broke and I started crying and ran out the door and went to Wonho's apartment.

Mark pov
I didn't know Hyungwon came downstairs but he saw me with Jackson and it broke my heart to see him crying. So I ran after him screaming his name I really love hyungwon with all my heart and Jackson had to ruin it by kissing me and I just wished that I could find him and tell him the truth about what really happen. I hope he didn't go to Wonho's apartment and I hope that he will stay with me after what I did. I kept on shouting his name all over the city but he never came back to me.

Wonho pov
I heard a knock at the front door and I opened it and I saw the one person that's been on my mind for the last 4 months but why was hyungwon crying. Hyungwon what happened? I ask him. Mark he's c-cheating on m-me w-with s-some o-other g-guy hyungwon said. Aww come here I walk him inside my apartment and close the door after he comes in I hug him tightly. Now why would he cheat on someone as beautiful, kind and caring as you I know I wouldn't. Because I'm a worthless person to him maybe I should break up with him or something hyungwon said.

Mark pov
I went to Wonho's apartment and knock on the door and of course he answer the door. What do you want Mark? Wonho ask. But than I saw hyungwon hiding behind Wonho. Hyungwon why are you hiding from me? I think we should break up Mark after what I saw you are clearly in love with that other guy you were with. I cut him off no I don't like him and I'm not in love with him. I'm in love with you Hyungwon and my heart races for you so please give me another chance. Why would he give you another chance after what you did Mark. I don't know but I only want hyungwon no one else can change my feelings for him Wonho. But why did he run to you for comfort? Because he wouldn't cheat at least when I stayed here he gave me attention you on the other hand don't do that you don't even kiss me in your house for god sake when your friends come over you don't even notice I'm there Mark so my answer is no I won't give you another chance I gave you one and you ruin it so just leave me alone and like I said I will be at your house tomorrow after work to get my things now just please get out of my sight he said. But he was right I never gave him the attention he deserves or the love he deserves but it's all Jackson's fault that hyungwon broke up with me I started crying every time hyungwon would hear me crying or if I was upset about something he was always there to comfort me I miss his way of comforting me he was my world and I lost him all because of Jackson.

Hey Hyungwon do you want to go somewhere tomorrow with me and your brother Kai after I mention Kai's name he looked up at me with his sweet smile that I love so much and said yes. I was so happy that he said yes to go out because ever since his break up with Mark he doesn't want to go anywhere not even with his brother Taemin. But this time when I ask and said his brother Kai will be there he said yes and smiled but no worries I already called Kai and he said yes that he will hang out with me tomorrow but he doesn't know that Hyungwon is coming but all he does is talk about Hyungwon and he really does miss him it's been 3 years since they were apart and I can tell that they miss each other a lot.

It's been three months since I've broken up with Mark and I want to confess my feelings to Wonho but I don't think he loves me anymore but I'm going to confess to him right now. Um hey Wonho can I um you know talk to you. And he said yes of course. So Wonho I know you probably don't feel the same like you did before at least that's what I think but I'm in love with you Wonho and I cover my face because what if he slaps me. He takes my hands away from my face and kisses me and of course I kiss back with my arms around his neck and than we break the kiss to get some air and catch our breath and he says of course I'm still in love with you Hyungwon my love for you hasn't changed but now that you are staying with me it's only grew stronger so will you please be my boyfriend. I said yes and I was so happy that I kissed him on the lips and he pulls me closer to him but than we break the kiss and he asks me am I allow to kiss you whenever I want even if we are out in public. I say yes and we kiss again and he bites my bottom lip and I groan and he slips his tongue in my mouth without missing a spot in my mouth.

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