Chapter 6: The First Date

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*Marah's P.O.V*

*ding* I hear my phone go off as I enter the kitchen. It is Friday morning so I'm expecting a text from Lauren at any time to tell me when she is headed over. Technically my date with Niall isn't until 5:30 tonight, but I really want to have some girl time before my date so I asked Lauren to come earlier in the day. I pull it out of my back pocket, checking to see if it is from Lauren and I am super shocked when I see that the text is from Mykal!

Mykal: Hey girlie!! I haven't heard from you since you left for Ireland...I hope everything is going well! I leave for Paris tomorrow morning which is super exciting! The only thing not exciting about it is having to wake up at 3:30 in the morning to catch my 5:30 flight! Oh well, I will live through it, I just feel bad for my poor host family...I'm going to be a zombie when they pick me up at the airport! You doing anything fun tonight?? Have you found any Irish hotties yet?? Oh, better your host brother an Irish hottie??? I miss you tons and I hope to be getting some pictures sometime promised me that much!! Love you mucho, Watson!

Oh my goodness, I didn't realize that I never texted her when I got here! I am such a horrible best friend, how could I even forget her?! I immediately text her back, not wanting her to think I am ignoring her.

Me: Sherlock!!!!! Holy crab cakes...I am so dang sorry I never texted you, I feel horrible!! I got caught up in the move and everything has been kind of crazy!! You leave for Paris tomorrow?? That is so crazy!! I can't wait to hear about you are going to love it!! I feel bad for your host family too...I remember that one sleepover we had where my dad woke us up at 10 and you were not a happy camper! I can't imagine you waking up at 3:30!! I have actually met one Irish hottie in particular and I just happen to be going on a date with him tonight!! Soooooooo, funny story! You asked me if my host brother is an Irish hottie...well, he just happens to be THE irish hottie that I am going on a date with tonight! I know that sounds weird especially since he is my host brother, but we have a really strong connection to each other that is undeniable! He is seriously the sweetest guy and I am so excited for tonight! OH...did I mention that my host brother just happens to be the only Irish sweetheart of the once famous boy band called 'One Direction?!'

I send the message and walk over to the fridge, looking for something to eat for breakfast. As I am searching through the fridge, I feel a pair of hands slip around my waist, pulling me back into its embrace.

"Good morning Belle," Niall says softly, placing his chin on my shoulder and leaning his head against mine for a few moments. When he pulls away a few moments later, I have to constrain myself from begging him to stay there. "How did you sleep?"

"Pretty well, thanks for asking," I say, grabbing the milk out of the fridge before turning to him. "How about you??"

"I slept way better last night than I ever have before!" Niall says happily, grabbing the cereal down for me.

"Oh really?" I ask, looking up at him. "And why would that be?"

"It may or may not have to do with the fact that I have a date tonight with the most beautiful, sweet, and caring girl I have ever met in my life," Niall states as if it were obvious.

"Wow, that girl must be pretty great to have you so excited," I say, sounding oblivious. A grin appears on Niall's face as he decides to play along.

"Oh, she sure is!" Niall exclaims proudly. "You know, she is from the states just like you...and she just happens to be from Washington, isn't that crazy??"

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