Chapter 12: The Apology

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*Daniel's P.O.V*

"Niall, come with me," I say, walking into his dressing room to find him slumped on the couch.

"Why?" he asks, putting a pillow over his face.

"Because I want to go for a drive," I say simply, pulling the pillow off his face. "And I would love some company."

"Fine, I'll come," he grumbles, standing up. "Anything to get me away from here for a bit."

"Then let's go," I say, making sure he follows me out the door and to the car I'm borrowing.

"Where did you get this?!" Niall asks, admiring the mustang I'm borrowing.

"I'm just borrowing it from a friend," I grin, hopping into the drivers seat. "Now get in, I want to get going."

Niall quickly hops into the car and buckles up. I start the car and begin heading towards Mullingar, taking some back roads so Niall doesn't immediately know where we are headed. After half an hour of awkward silence, Niall looks over at me.

"So where are we actually going?" He asks, giving me a funny look. "I know we aren't just going for a ride..."

"Dang, you got me," I say sheepishly. "Before I tell you where we are going, why don't you tell me what happened with you and Marren."

"What is there to tell?" Niall asks grumpily.

"Well start by telling me why you did it," I say calmly, glancing over at him.

"I didn't kiss her!" Niall practically fumes. "Marren is the one who kissed me!"

"Okay, okay, I believe you," I say, holding a hand up in surrender. "Did you figure out why she kissed you?"

"Yeah, she said it was all for show," Niall spits, "that her producer put her up to it and threatened to take her off tour if she didn't."

"That evil man," I frown, getting onto the highway. "Isn't Marren in a serious relationship too?"

"Yeah, she is," Niall frowns, rubbing his forehead. "But she told him what she was going to do and why so she doesn't have to deal with the same crap as me."

"That's rough man, I'm sorry," I say softly, giving him a knowing look. "I'm here if you ever want to talk."

"Yeah, it is rough," Niall sighs, leaning his head back. "Marah won't even answer her phone...she is so pissed."

"That is why I'm taking you to Mullingar," I grin, happy I got him to come with me.

"Wait, what?!" Niall asks, shooting forward in his seat.

"You heard me, I'm taking you home," I say quickly. "I can't believe you wanted Marah to call so you could talk it over with do NOT do that sort of thing over the phone."

"Dude, I can't see Marah until I clear things up!" Niall shouts, getting frantic. "I can't bear to see her hurt...that's why I wanted her to call me!"

"Well that's too bad," I sigh, continuing to drive, "because I'm not turning around. You are going to have to suck it up and see her in person. Trust me, it will be much better in the long run. Women are interesting creatures...super needy yet easily pissed off. You always have to watch your step around them because even the littlest thing could make them snap. Apologizing to her on the phone may work in the moment, but it would definitely come back to bite you in the butt later."

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